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101832742 Private ID: 101832742
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    I do have a question regarding options trading.
    For example-Selling Put Option
    Stock Price $25
    Strike Price $23
    Premium $1.50
    Should the option expired in the money with the stock price lower than the strike price does like to understand the seller needs to recieve notification if the buyer of the options wishes to exercise to sell the 100 shares before the seller exercise to buy the over the shares?If that is the case how does the seller gets the notification and if the buyer ...
    May I seek guidance if it is correct per paper money options trading,there will be no risk of margin call if maintenance margin value doesn't exceed buying power and the buy/sell of calls/options transaction able to take place?Or this is not it where do I able to view the cost and risk prior submit a order?
    Similarly how do I check similar info in real money trading?
    Paper Trade options
    Good day. Like to seek guidance on Paper Money Options Trading
    1) Will the premium reflected upon selling a put option stays throughout the tenure eg 30 days till expiry though it might fluctuate throughout and when upon expiry the strike price stays above the Underlying stock price and it expires worthless the correct understanding?
    Pardon as am new with options trading.Just like to get guidance if using paper money for option trading,should upon expiry and the stocks get assigned will it be reflected the 100 shares for example in the paper money tab?
    Also are we able to stop the sell put option before the expiry and if what will be the gain/losses be calculated? Thanks
    As new to Options Paper Money Trading,hence like to seek guidance as attempted but unable to navigate it.Below are screenshots.
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    Options Paper Money Trading
    Options Paper Money Trading
    Options Paper Money Trading
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