$iShares MSCI Russia ETF (ERUS.US)$
According to the last done price trade in mosco exchange on 23/08/2022, the ETF value is 31.92/Unit (If black rock success to sold out with current price)
According to the last done price trade in mosco exchange on 23/08/2022, the ETF value is 31.92/Unit (If black rock success to sold out with current price)

102214538 OP Big Stonk Lord : Hi bro, Its fine for discussion. Actually, I understand the there is capital control, and also the risk for invest in russia when they start a war. I actually just bought 200 unit at USD 8.xx only. Just a small gamble.
I saw the most of the holding list is securities listed on mosco exchabge instead of adr and gdr. I was thinking once the ruble outflow is unbanned, even the Rube/USD drop to 120/USD and all the share price listed in mosco exchange drop another 50% from current price, the value of ETF unit will be USD31x0.5x0.5 =USD7.5