is it possivle for moomoo to bring in money narket funds providers for curreckies besides Singapore and US dollar denominsted money funds.
This gives us a choice and we can use our spare funds to get some returns while waiting for opportunities to buy with respect to the foreign denominated funds.
This gives us a choice and we can use our spare funds to get some returns while waiting for opportunities to buy with respect to the foreign denominated funds.
So many investment opportunities are worth noting! Click to view the 2025 investment outlook>>
hapoy to get this
hapoy to get this

wishing singapore a happy 59th birthday and prosperity.
in terms of investmemts, i go to the likes of moomoo cash plus and dividend stocks and reits like capitaland integrated commercial trust, fraser centrepoint trust, raffles medical amongst others. i believe they can hekp grow my money in a sustainable manner.
wishing for the best of health for myself and loved ones, as well as my friends.
wishing for more learning opportunities of new skills
hopefully translating to increase in know how of gaining lnow how of investment.
wishing for more learning opportunities of new skills
hopefully translating to increase in know how of gaining lnow how of investment.
congrats to moomoo, the platform certainly was helpful in providing with various tools like the financial aspects of the companies for one to do research. it is definitely empowering.
cheers to moomoo and many great years ahead.
cheers to moomoo and many great years ahead.
i lost nearly $10000 in the atart if my investment journey withoit realising that i was speculating. this woke me up to realise that investment is more than that, so i started to read up on companies wuth good fundamentals, then made a list of companies that i want to acquire.
till this day, i am still accumulating those companies slowly but steadily, minus the panics abd heartaches
till this day, i am still accumulating those companies slowly but steadily, minus the panics abd heartaches