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102502738 Private ID: 102502738
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    $Lucid Group(LCID.US)$
    Road ahead will be full of bumps and even occasional tire puncture and oil change.
    Fret Not. Brace it, back Stronger.
    With a realistic and exciting roadmap ahead, a team that knows and good at what they are doing, top of the line technology and quality, pair it with a superior battery technology and mileage range, this ia nothing but a Market Leader to be.
    Im enjoying every bit of this journey, in the comfort of your ride. I trust that you are taking me Far and Beyond.
    Look Far, Dream Big.
    Enjoy your weekend all, Happy Xmas Shopping!!
    $Lucid Group(LCID.US)$ Everything will be better, everything will be better, all have ups and downs, and it's impossible to fly all the way to the moon. The original purchase was not to make money, keep up the current stock, and sell to lower the average value. This is a stock worth owning for a long time, everyone, cheer up
    $Lucid Group(LCID.US)$ somehow it has been progressing more or less how I’d analysed so far, albeit tumultous. Hopefully it will continue to be so and we can reap a good profit by 21st. Though it is worrying now how Powell will play his card, I really don’t think he will implement something too drastic to risk a crash in the market. So if it’s acceptable enough, the market will at most do a bit more pull back then rise, maybe even rise straight away. Moreover from the past 2 days, it seems like LCID has been remaining strong in the battles with the shortists and winning it so far. If this is a good guide, we should be experiencing the same thing for the next few days. Even if there’s a fall, shouldn’t be too drastic I think. Once we endure past 18th, we should be looking up. Let’s see how it plays out, I’m also just as anxious. Once again, don’t just take my words for it! Thanks!
    Your job as a trader is to take on risk and avoid uncertainty.As a trader, you need to focus on calculating how much you can win or loss and the probabilities of each outcome.
    After intense studying and analysis, you might get an idea of what might happen and their chances. You can then choose to proceed if the odds favor you.
    Commom mode failure is a trader having consecutive losses. A streak of losses damages your confidence and makes you doubt your trading strategy. It can also cause overtrading as you try to make back the losses. These effects will speed up your market demise.
    Traders are far too confident. There are more unknowns than we think, and we need to be aware of them.
    Many traders choose to focus on what they know. For instance, they see a perfect chart pattern, and they want to trade it. They know that it’s a fantastic trade setup. They know that the volume is supporting their strategy. They know that they have a good reward-to-risk ratio.They know everything. Hence, these traders take the trade.But they should have factored in what they don’t know. For instance, an important upcoming economic announcement. The response of the market to that announcement is an unknown, at least to a technical trader.If more attention is given to this unknown, they might go for a more sensible decision. They might decide to delay their trade entry or skip the trade altogether.This mindset of respecting the unknowns relates to a trader’s ego. You need to put down your ego and recognize that there are things you don’t know.
    The safer we feel, the more danger we are in. having more money in our trading account reduces risk. It makes us feel safe.But exactly because we feel safe, we start to relax our trading rules to take subpar trades. We ignore our position sizing models and overtrade.
    $Lucid Group(LCID.US)$ i don’t understand why shortists want to fight against us when there’s release of good news. if they wait for price to rise high then act on it, wouldn’t it be more effective? Oh well. Hope long buyers will win the battle today.
    $Lucid Group(LCID.US)$ Hello, me again! I gave my extrapolation on Friday that it would fall further becos it had turned into a downtrend after breaking $38. However that didn’t happen or rather it was pulled up halfway, maybe becos of the great news that it will be listed as one of NSADAQ’s 100 companies. So firstly I apologise to those who took in my view to wait out and missed the chance to buy between $35+ and $37.50. So I’m going to give my new analysis based on this latest news.
    As we know, these indices are stringent in their selections, so for the fact that LCID is chosen so early since IPO, it really shows how strong it actually is, so I’m not going to elaborate on that. Basically this gives affirmation of its strength. This will undoubtedly churn even more attention from everywhere, and likely also those investment institutions. With this foreseeable situation, people will want to grab up their shares, especially those who have been keeping track of LCID would know that this is a ridiculous low price due to recent bad news combo.
    i personally will be going in on Monday with all I have, already placed order. I’m guessing Mon itself will surge quite a bit then for next few days more ups than downs and on 19th or 20th it will surge another round. After that by end of 20th’s trading or 21st, shortists will come in again to do their usual exploit and bring the price drastically down by quite a huge % but likely above $40. It may not move exactly as how I’ve described but over all I believe from Mon till 20th, it should be climbing up quite high.
    This is just my analysis based on the situation and my understanding of how LCID moves in general, so there is still a chance that I may be wrong but I believe the probability is to my favour. Ok, disclaimer is not to blindly follow me but do your own diligent research and decide on your own at the end of the day.
    Alright, hope this is another round for us to earn a decent profit! Good luck, everyone!
    $Lucid Group(LCID.US)$
    my perspective leading up to 20th december.
    on 20th december , index that follow nasdaq100 which is mainly InvescoQQQ will need to auto re balance their stocks with the new inclusion of the few added Nasdaq100 stocks. They can only do so on 20th Dec and not earlier than that.
    so from 13th to 17th December , retail investor will likely have interest in the buy in of LCID as its clear that the volume of buyin will increase on 20th Dec.
    After the inclusion in Nasdaq100 , thou short lived it will have a lasting effect on the stock , because the stock will be constantly mention and creates alot of news and traction creating volumes.
    all in all , i think its a great news..
    on the senior notes topic , it will likely settled on 14th december
    Instituational investor thou have a good interest income of 1.25% , but that only protects the capital invested with a small upside
    institutional investor will most likely have higher interest in increasing the equity value of the company (increasing stock price) to be higher than 54.78, that way,the upside will make more sense...
    this might be long haul  , as the expiry is 2026.. but nevertheless good news for LCID
    $Lucid Group(LCID.US)$ I’m holding at 55.11 and not planning to sell! Jia you guys, TO THE MOON!!!
    $Vaxxinity(VAXX.US)$ let's hope today is the day to gap up to 14