when I first look at the screen, AMC was trading at USD36+ n my son bought at usd18 few days before. my buy order of 462 shares at usd32.50 was successful in less than ah hour. then it drops to usd26.50 n I wasn't worried. in less than a week it shot up to usd78. I didn't sell. I bought another 1200 shares at an average price of usd48.25. when it dropped to usd29 I was waiting to buy again at usd26-27, but gradually AMC rises to 50+ n now drops to 45+. I jus take it that I'm putting my money in bank which I won't withdraw anyway but once MOASS occurs that means I strike lottery n that's my retirement fund! best of luck to all the AMC apes!

$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$ I relook at my Hong Kong shares getting ready to dispose n use it to pump into AMC at 26. looks like no chance. but glad today AMC is moving upwards healthily. still a long way, at least it means I can just sleep n wait patiently for the ultimate goal.
$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$ https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.barrons.com%2Farticles%2Fgamestop-amc-russell-1000-51623883459%3Fmod%3Dsm_fb_ad_kw&h=AT0IRjsiT9ykaSUwH_2al9CJmpU46oTmtKnC7t5H7YIkhBWI3VABa8a7q9o1OVe_dkN2eTwSjT_RD-jqJEWoKNQkHCf6EOpPJ6kI-XOFfX169t1e0BPulsX4YVMd6iEB7LCu3nCg1Q
$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$ I read (n forget where?) that on 12th jul, AMC will rise. anyone can help to recall anything special for AMC on that day?
$Clover Health (CLOV.US)$ the day that Clov spikes I ask my son to take a look. He went in n buy at 16 n Clov went to 28. when he told me that he bought it was already rising to 22, too high for me. i was willing to risk at 18 n could have sold at 27 n make gd $. but I still place buy order at 18. but when I saw it dropping v fast I changed buy order to 16 b4 I slept. when I woke up I was shocked that I bought it at 16 n it was trading slightly abv 16, I sense that this is a pump n dump. I sold it immediately with small profit. now more than 90% if my investment is in AMC, but I think if I've extra cash I'll now put some in CLOV. for those who enter at high price, jus be patient n average down...
$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$ he din even inform me when he sold all his AMC at 42. when he saw a sudden change in trend, he tried to buy back at 43 but nobody was selling. after much struggle he managed to come back at 46. this is a gd lesson not to b fearful cos the community is not letting go. when market reopens it'll be interesting. we should be on upward trend. huat ah!
$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$ then today I bought at 40. previously bought at 50, 55.50, 54 n 50. now average is 48.25. thx everyone for holding n buying when dip. United we moon.
$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$ I withdrew buy orders at 48 and 45 when I see the price drops so fast. I'll put buy order at 40 instead. seems that HF is trying to drag the price further. so today may be one of the last few days to buy in 40s to average down.
$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$ glad to buy another 200 shares at 50. I'll queue at 48 and 45 to catch when it dips while I'm sleeping.