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102723593 Male ID: 102723593
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    Did you miss the $Tesla(TSLA.US)$ IPO that offered shares at its IPO price of just $17 per share in 2010? If you're thinking of investing in the electric vehicle (EV) sector, then you must have heard of $Rivian Automotive(RIVN.US)$.
    The market highly anticipates Rivian because it has been backed by $Amazon(AMZN.US)$ and $Ford Motor(F.US)$ , and dubbed as the rival of Tesla.
    Yes, it's tonight! We're going to witness the IPO of Rivian, the top 10 IPOs of all time in the United States, according to data from Dealogic.
    The Rivian IPO priced an upsized 153 million shares at $78 a share Tuesday night. That was above the already-raised price range of $72-$74.
    The RIVN IPO raised $11.9 billion, giving Rivian an initial valuation of roughly $77 billion.
    There are two interesting facts:
    1. Rivian Valuation
    Rivian IPO has raised its target price several times, which demonstrated the massive enthusiasm of investors on EV sectors, predominantly driven by the recent price surge of Tesla.
    Generally, four factors affect the IPO valuation:demand, industry comparable, growth prospects, and a compelling corporate narrative.
    For the full article: Please check at our IPO Basics Course.
    2. Rivian's Financials
    Rivian has yet to generate revenue and post a profit. Rivian is in the early stages of production, and until it scales output, losses are to be expected.
    It had net losses of $426 million and $1 billion for 2019 and 2020, respectively. Rivian reported a loss of nearly $1 billion for the first half of the year.
    Rivian is a company from a promising industry but unprofitable.The question for us: is an unprofitable company worth investing in?
    You might find your answer in our Fundamental Analysis Course.
    Do you think Rivian would be a stock to buy? Share your comments below with mooers.
    $Lucid Group(LCID.US)$  $Nikola(NKLA.US)$
    Top 10 IPOs of in the US! Is Rivian a stock to buy?
    Top 10 IPOs of in the US! Is Rivian a stock to buy?
    Top 10 IPOs of in the US! Is Rivian a stock to buy?
    Last week, $E-mini Russell 2000 Index Futures(SEP4)(RTYmain.US)$ gained 6% (top right as highlighted in yellow) and was the best performer among the 4 major US indices, followed by $E-mini NASDAQ 100 Futures(SEP4)(NQmain.US)$ , $E-mini S&P 500 Futures(SEP4)(ESmain.US)$ and $E-mini Dow Futures(SEP4)(YMmain.US)$ .
    Both $Micro E-mini Russell 2000 Index Futures(SEP4)(M2Kmain.US)$ and $Dow Jones Industrial Average(.DJI.US)$ just broke out from the re-accumulation structure while $S&P 500 Index(.SPX.US)$ and Nasdaq travels within a well define up channel and currently hit the channel's overbought line. Would we see a rotation from the S&P 500 and $Nasdaq Composite Index(.IXIC.US)$ to the Russell and the Dow Jones?
    Let's focus on the daily chart of the Russell 2000 index futures (RTY) as shown below:
    An apex formation has formed since July 2021 and there is something unusual about this triangle pattern. Normally, while the price is consolidating within the triangle (forming lower high and higher low), we will notice decreasing of the volume together with the contraction of the volatility (e.g. the price spread of the candles are getting smaller from left to right hand side of the triangle).
    In this case, despite the volatility is getting lower, the volume is expanding on every down wave, suggesting lots of selling. Yet, what's the results? A higher low throughout from Aug till Nov 2021. This suggests that there was supply absorption going on while the selling happened.
    This is very constructive for a bullish scenario because the "strong hands" step in to support the price on every reaction and to scoop up the bargain.
    At the end of Oct 2021, there is an attempt to breakout of both the triangle and the horizontal resistance at 2310 followed by a shallow pullback and reversal, which marks the last point of support (LPS) of the accumulation structure before the sign of strength rally breaks above the structure. The supply level is especially low from the previous reaction suggests that the absorption is completed and ready to markup.
    As heavy supply has been absorbed within the triangle pattern, we might not expect a backup action coming back to test the axis line where the resistance-turned-support around 2310–2370, instead the backup action could happen at higher ground.
    The breakout of the Russell 2000 gives the first confirmation of the scenario of possible rotation from big cap stocks to small cap stocks.
    A Quick Guide to Get Exposure to Small-Caps
    The easiest way to participate the small caps without worrying about stock picking is via the ETFs. Feel free check out $iShares Russell 2000 ETF(IWM.US)$ , $iShares Russell 2000 Growth ETF(IWO.US)$ , $Ishares Russell 2000 Value Etf(IWN.US)$ , $SPDR S&P 600 Small Cap ETF(SLY.US)$ , $Spdr S&P 600 Small Cap Value Etf (Based On S&P Smallcap Value Index--Symbol--Cvk(SLYV.US)$ , $Spdr S&P 600 Small Cap Growth Etf (Based On S&P Smallcap 600 Growth Index --Symbol Cgk)(SLYG.US)$ .
    If you want to take it to the next level to beat the ETF, just explore the individual stocks within the those ETFs and pick those that outperform the market, sector and group with accumulation structure and wait for the right trade setup that suits you. For example, $Marathon Digital(MARA.US)$ just about to complete the Wyckoff accumulation structure and is a potential candidate to ride on the strong trend of $Grayscale Bitcoin Trust(GBTC.US)$ .
    A Bargain you can't Ignore — This Laggard Breaks All Time High Last Week
    $Tesla(TSLA.US)$ $Microsoft(MSFT.US)$ $Apple(AAPL.US)$
    I’ll use this correction to increase my position
    Tesla is only a stone throw away from the next fibonacci at 1243.
    Will we hit that by Friday? Like I said, there is almost no doubt it will. The bull rally has just been so strong all the shorts on tesla has been burning money.
    However the real question would be after 1243 fibonacci, will it trigger a sell off / take profit point or continue marching higher towards 1300s fibonacci because tesla do not have many strong support below the 1200 range and it will be risky to chase this high of tesla.
    But as always, remember to trade safe & invest wise!
    102723593 commented on
    Q&A is a session under a company's earnings conference that institutional and retail investors ask some most-concerned questions to the management. On this page, you can find out some valuable info that might affect the stock price in the following weeks. $Tesla(TSLA.US)$
    Key Takeaways:
    Attitudes: management feel very optimistic in the long term, but there's also a lot of uncertainty right now.
    Goals: the company's goal is to grow on an average pace of 50% per year, and ultimately be able to achieve 20 million cars per year.
    Products: the company is working on a strategy to increase production rates as quickly as possible. Cybertruck is expected to launch by next year.
    Do you still expect to start production of the $25,000 model in 2023. What are the biggest hurdles from now until then?
    Yeah, we're working on a strategy to increase our production rates as quickly as possible. We don't want to add any new vehicles to our lineup when we're generally is in a cell constrained world. While there is still more runway to grow these existing products, we are focused on Model Y expansion and also in Berlin, ramping S&X further in Fremont to restore to pass levels, while also growing 3 and Y production in Fremont in Shanghai.
    After Model Y in Austin, our next product launch will be Cybertruck. And that's time and course depend on increasing cell capacity and completing our currently full plate of products on the table.
    What is Tesla 's goal for vehicle production capacity for the current factories?
    Our goal as a Company here is to grow on an average pace of 50% per year. I think that will be a difficult goal, but that's the goal that the internal team has. And they're going to continue to push on that. We're trying to get to 5,000 cars a week as soon as we can. And then we'll continue to push beyond that, potentially even getting to 10,000 cars per week at those factories. And then we will add Cybertruck here in Austin and continue to grow from there. So, our goal is to get to millions of cars per year over the next couple of years. And then ultimately in the long term, be able to achieve 20 million cars per year.
    Is Tesla considering any other ideas other than FSD with the real-world AI that can bring additional software revenue to Tesla?
    Sure. At AI Day we did talk about potential future where Dojo could be used as a neural net training platform for other companies. It's not a focus of ours today as we are fully subscribed on Dojo with our internal uses, we do expect to continue to improve the in-car experience in the context of FSD
    Elon said that we get an update on Cybertruck in November a year ago, but it hasn't happened and we know there are a lot of updates. Will you show off the new and improved Cybertruck?
    We get a lot of questions on Cybertruck. We've been busy detailing the Cybertruck to achieve the prototype version we shared with customers awhile back. As you may have seen recently on social media, we've built a number of alphas and are currently testing those to further mature the design. We'll continue to work through the product in the beta stages that we're in now and look to launch that by next year.
    You hit low-teens operating margins. That was your medium-term target. You're there now, despite the number of challenges and not full utilization to the plan. How are you thinking about that target now?
    we've actually exceeded our long-term guidance on our operating margin target. As full self-driving matures, as take rates increase, if we are to raise pricing on that, there's considerable upside both on gross margins and operating margin as that comes to light, as the business starts to become more of a mix of a hardware-based Company and a software-based Company.
    So, we feel optimistic about the journey --very optimistic about the journey as we look over into the long term, just a little bit difficult over the next 4 to 5 quarters. There's just a lot of uncertainty in the world right now.
    This article is a script from the Q&A session of Tesla's earnings call. In order to facilitate reading, we have made appropriate cuts. If you want to know more details, you can click here to re-watch the earnings call.
    102723593 commented on
    Buffett Indicator is the percentage of the total market cap relative to the US GDP. According to Warren Buffett, such an indicator is probably the best single measure of where valuations stand at any given moment.
    How does the Buffett Indicator work?
    In 2001, Warren Buffett said 75% to 90% are reasonable; over 120% suggests the stock market is overvalued.
    As of Aug 28 2021, the Total Market Index is at US$ 46.88 trillion, about 206% of the US GDP, signaling the market is heavily overvalued.
    Did Buffett Indicator work well?
    Let's see the historical chart of the Buffett Indicator. The ratio reached 140% in 2000, portending the dot-com bubble which eventually burst. The NASDAQ fell by 75% from March 2000 to October 2002.
    The ratio also reached 155% in Feb 2020, followed by the pandemic crash that caused the S&P500 Index to drop from 3393 to 2192, a 35% correction. However, stock market quickly bounced, doubling from the dip.
    And when the ratio breaks 200%, we are witnessing history undoubtedly.
    Will this time be different? 
    With interest rates at historic lows, there is a voice in the market that "this time is different". 
    Cathie Wood said: GDP statistics evolved during the Industrial Age and do not seem to be keeping up with the digital age. Thanks to productivity, real GDP growth probably is higher and inflation lower than reported, suggesting that the quality of earnings has increased significantly.
    Overall, if the stock market is a game, you have to stay in the game before you beat the game. The Buffett Indicator can be a tool to relocate where we are in the stock market. It's never too late to do our due diligence and control the risk to gain a long-term return. 
    Do you think the Buffett Indicator is useful? Should we pay close attention or just ignore it? What should we do in response to such an indicator? 
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    102723593 commented on
    Dear mooer,
    Have you watched the WWDC21?Is anyone missing the #ShareMyAppleStory event? This is our LAST CALL! Hurry up!!
    In the past three days, we have received many posts and can't wait to share with you!
    Some mooers shows their Apple collection journey from the classic iPhone 3 to the latest iPhone 12
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    some mooers also share their trading story using moomoo
    For those of you who haven't joined the discussion, please don't hesitate to do so. Apple stocks and free points...
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