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102851146 Private ID: 102851146
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    Against the backdrop of the global covid-19 pandemic, 2021 has brought new challenges and opportunities to this year's trading. We responded with laughter and tears. This post compiles six stories that present a vivid picture of mooers' investing experiences. We sincerely hope that you will enjoy the stories!
    Spoiler: There's a chance to get a bonus if you read till the end.
    "Never forget why you started, so your mission can be completed."
    Every incredible adventure started with a baby step. When we look back to the very beginning of our trading journey, we ask ourselves why we got started in the first place? Realistically speaking, money is what we all are after, but what made us brave enough to take the first step? Here is one of the most satisfying answers.
    "She Has Inspired Me" said by @HuatLady. His trading journey started with his 21 birthday gift – a $100 saving bank account book from his parents.
    "I was touched because that was her virtuous desire for me to be independent, and to make effective decisions, not only for the trading field but throughout my life for a better Future."
    Making profits is not the ultimate goal of investing. What you can learn in the process will get you further in life.
    "The only way to overcome bad luck is working hard."
    Novices deserve a bit of "beginner's luck." "Did I have beginner's luck when I first started trading?" @cowabangawas quite confident at first because of the money he made in the market. After that, there're setbacks, and there's luck again.
    "As I trade along, the results are certainly compelling! I dare say I have one of the finest beginner's luck out there for my first few wins at the market provided trading returns in folds. It was truly an amazing experience given the confidence it spurs in you. But like what the market veterans would say 'the market giveth, the market taketh'..."
    The truth is that luck is the combination of skills and opportunities. Many things that look like luck at first blush are part of a cycle. 
    After investing for some time, many mooers might feel anxious and regretful. Some of us can't stop thinking about what we should've done when we were younger and what could've been achieved if we'd chosen differently. @aoimizushared his advice with the younger ones at "I hate finance ... but I'm here"
    "I support young people who want to begin their investment journey early. As mentioned in a previous post (Gen Z and debt), I'd put aside my part-time job earnings as the capital for investments. I'd be more proactive in scanning the news and be updated on the overall environment. I'd become more curious about the companies that make the products I use, and study them more closely."
    @小虎发大财wrote something about his words to himself if he can travel back in time at his post "I started my investment journey in 2017."
    "I entered the market without any knowledge and purely by rumors, ended up suffering a loss.From there onwards, i started reading and watching video on youtube to educate myself, even till now hungry for knowledge. If I can return back time, i will tell myself to start off investment way earlier."
    Regrets are common in trade because they occur both when you make a move or do absolutely nothing. How to deal with "regrets" when you want to start with "if only"? @Powerhouseresponded with "Really? Then you are not playing big enough!!"
    "Investment is like this. You lost some here; you better wake up your idea to earn more somewhere else...Play within your means. That is how I consoled myself. Lose, never mind, just don't lose your mind and spirit. Miss the boat, try the other boat beside it!"
    "The minute you appreciate what you have, joyfulness overcomes suffering."
    2021 may not be the best in your life, but it couldn't be worse than 2020. Could it? We survived 2020, so when we start to appreciate what we have, 2021 could be a year full of joyfulness.
    Do you agree with @Syueeat her post "Birds of a Feather, Flock Together!"?
    "I believe in following the practice of gratitude, giving and sharing with the less fortunate. Not everyone is as lucky to have a roof over their heads, clothes to cover their bodies and food to fill their stomachs...Happiness keeps you sweet. Trials keep you strong. Sorrows keep you human. Failure keeps you humble. Success keeps you glowing. FAMILY keeps you GOING."
    Moo community is committed to accompanying you throughout your trading journey and offering as much support as we can.
    2021 might be the start of the trading journey for many mooers. We've seen many mooers saying that moomoo is what gets them started in trading. That is AWESOME!
    @aoimizusaid in one of his posts, "There is a sense of camaraderie in the moomoo community, making me feel that this is not a lonely journey and I can always ask for help". This is exactly what moomoo wants to bring to all of you! We will always be there for you. Wish you all a very happy 2022 ahead!
    What's the most inspiring investing story you've heard this year? Comment under this post and tell us the story now! We will select the 1st, 10th, 20th, 30th, 40th...(multiples of 10) comments to give away 88 points each!
    Duration: Now- Dec 28, 2021 11:59 PM SGT
    moomoo annual ceremony is happening right now! Check it out here:  2021 in Review: Grow Together to the Moon!
    2021 in Review: Stories of the Year
    2021 in Review: Stories of the Year
    2021 in Review: Stories of the Year
    2021 is an interesting year for investing as we see the stock market behaving in kind of erratic manner, from grossly overpriced stocks to the roller coaster rides of meme stocks.
    One of my goals for 2021, was to double my savings. I managed to achieve it by first quarter and it continues to grow. Part of the money was put into weekly and monthly options to generate more passive income.
    I hope that by next year I will be able to experience winter in a cold country, safely.
    I wish everyone a blessed 2021 and an eventful 2022! Happy investing!
    Welcome to the shining moments of the moomoo community. It's time to collect the unforgettable fragments of 2021. In a year of volatility, WallStreetBets stocks are resilient, with $AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$ regaining its momentum. Trump Concept stocks are on the rise, with $Phunware (PHUN.US)$ leading the way. The pandemic-induced booming of vaccine stocks provides mooers with unique opportunities to make money.
    This post presents some essential trading orders and calls for our dear mooers to compete. It starts with an outstanding one that yielded up to 69900%. We found some mooers highly concentrated. They only invested in one stock but grasped the entry and exit points well and recorded the moves using the trading marking feature of moomoo. Besides, there is a frequent trader who trades 156 times a quarter. It seems that our dear mooers have acquired diverse trading skills and experienced some ups and downs in 2021. Let's review and compete now!
    1. The highest rate of return reaching 69900.00%
    @值得拥有伱  Average Cost down to 0.0019
    Challenging $Camber Energy (CEI.US)$ , my power +69900.00%. The success lies in the accurate grasping of buying and selling points.
    If you have a higher rate of return, please leave your comment to compete with others.
    2. The highest daily return: $220966.73
    @burger1010  Make that money work!
    The gain of $220966.73 belongs to a college kid who works at a grocery store and earns the minimum wage. Two weeks ago, what I had was 10K. However, the profits soared because options were wild.
    If you have a higher daily return, please leave your comment to compete with others.
    3. The worst losses running to 98.43%
    @skytrade  What would you do if you were me?
    Despite that the Trump Concept stock, $PHUN is hot, my losses are down to a record low of 98.43%. I am confused and helpless.
    If you have a lower loss rate, please leave your comment to compete with others.
    4. An unexpected loss of $22909 by investing in $AMC  
    @bentbb  This is a reminder to all mooers
    For one hour, the decline of $AMC made me cry. Please keep in mind that you must band together and hold whatever position you're in. We are only as strong as our weakest link.
    If you've lost more money in a single stock, please leave your comment to compete with others.
    5. Focusing on one stock at a time
    @Machiavellis3rdEye  When will we get off the bus to the crazy town?
    Stop being distracted. I conducted high-frequency trading on $Biora Therapeutics (PROG.US)$ , hoping to earn huge profits from this stock and become richer!
    If you've traded more frequently of a specific stock than this mooer, please leave your comment to compete with others.
    6. The most diverse high-frequency trading
    @Austin Anderson  What a blast it has been
    In one quarter, I trade 156 times for 58 objects. Please learn from our mistakes and don't get emotionally involved!
    If you've traded more frequently a quarter than this mooer, please leave your comment to compete with others.
    7. Building a diverse but profitable portfolio
    @10664788  Be satisfied with the winning percentage.
    Eight out of eleven stocks in my portfolio are making profits! $New Gold, $Globalstar, and $NIO Inc (NIO.US)$ are all my lucky stocks.
    If the proportion of stocks earning profits in your portfolio is higher than this mooer, please leave your comment to compete with others.
    After seeing the stunning orders above, would you like to share your orders and achievements with us?
    How's your P/L in 2021?
    How frequently did you trade?
    How did you build your portfolio?
    I bet you've had "better" results!
    If you want to challenge the orders above, leave your P/L in the comments. Let's see what you've got. You could be the KING of trading in 2021!
    moomoo annual ceremony is happening right now! Check it out here:  2021 in Review: Grow Together to the Moon!
    Orders of the Year 2021: With Yields Up to 69900%
    Orders of the Year 2021: With Yields Up to 69900%
    Orders of the Year 2021: With Yields Up to 69900%
    102851146 reacted to
    In the previous article, we talked about the definition and history of blockchain. This time, let's focus on the interesting NFT.
    Introduction to NFT
    A non-fungible token (NFT) is a unit of data stored on a digital ledger, called a blockchain, that certifies a digital asset to be unique and therefore not interchangeable. NFTs can be used to represent items such as photos, videos, audio, and other types of digital files. While copies of these digital items are available for anyone to obtain, NFTs are tracked on blockchains to provide the owner with a proof of ownership that is separate from copyright.
    What is the 'digital art' NFT?
    What is the 'digital art' NFT?
    102851146 liked and commented on
    thanks moo moo 🐮
    102851146 reacted to
    $American Airlines (AAL.US)$ Stock Giveaways
    Short-term trading has long been popular with retail investors because of its skyrocketing potential. It's not uncommon to make profits in the short term, but it takes a great deal to make plenty of them. Advanced short-term traders master trading skills, pattern identification, emotional controls, and position management to understand the market in-depth.
    When the market fluctuates quickly, it is inevitable to miss t...
    1) If u cannot stomach the risk (10% to 30% movement usually), stay away from risky trades.
    2) There will usually be a few top gainers or losers with very high volume (especially top gainers). Try not to chase the top losers thinking a rebound will surely happen after such a big dip, most often than not, it doesn’t happen.
    3) If u are trying to day trade the top gainers with large volume, I would suggest setting a few targets to sell, e.g 1st target: 5%, 2nd target: 10%, final target: 20%, depending on your risk appetite. Amount of shares to sell for each target point depends on your personal risk appetite.
    Remember, don’t be greedy!!
    4) Set a cut-loss price!! Don’t hold and end up bag-holding with no liquidity to trade! Liquidity is most important for short-term traders. You can also consider a few cut-loss price targets just like point 3 above. Sometimes, the top gainers stocks with large volume can drop fast, but can also rebound fast. Selling some during cut-loss while holding some may help you to regain your loss during the rebound!
    5) Remember to withdraw your profits every now and then! You can spend them and be happy! or you can stash them for future trades when market crash/correction (be patient for such instances) Don’t keep pumping all your profits for the next trade! Greed can cost you a lot in the stock market!
    Happy trading Moo Moo traders 😊🎉🎊🍾
    Earnings season is all about financial reports, and I believe most of us here, are not trained properly or professionally to study about financial reports. For myself, a person with science background, my head start to feel dizzy when I look at those figures and financial terms
    Luckily, I’ve met two persons, Mr. Fong Siling and Mr. Harry Teo, which helped me on this and now, financial reports are not a stranger to me anymore. I would strongly recommend the series of book written by Mr. Fong Siling (Cold Eyes 冷眼) to all the newbies while for Mr. Harry Teo, his facebook live and contents are easy to follow and I had learnt a lot from both of them.
    Alright, as mentioned earlier, currently is the earnings season where most of the companies will release their previous quarter reports to update about their business status....
    Quick Guides on Financial Reports
    Quick Guides on Financial Reports
    Quick Guides on Financial Reports
    $Invesco QQQ Trust (QQQ.US)$ I have a feeling Monday the sharemarket will bounce back? what do you think?
    The stock market wraps up Wednesday near session highs after the latest measure of the Fed's favorite inflation gauge arrived in line with forecasts. And the minutes of the last central bank meeting show that some officials wanted to reduce asset purchases by more than the $15B/month pace to give it more flexibility on when it could adjust interest rates.
    Volume is declining as many on Wall Street get a jump on the holiday.
    Buying picked up after a weak open when the core PCE price index posted an annual pace of 4.1% for October.
    The $NASDAQ 100 Index (.NDX.US)$ +0.4% creeps further into the green, while the $S&P 500 Index (.SPX.US)$ edges up 0.2%. The $Dow Jones Industrial Average (.DJI.US)$ -0.03% stays under the breakeven point.
    Treasury yields are are back in the red after early gains. The 10-year Treasury yield is down 3 basis point to 1.64%.
    Six out of 11 S&P sectors are lower. Real Estate finishes at the top and Info Tech is in positive territory. Materials is the largest decliner in the session.
    Retail is seeing big selloffs, with Gap down 24% and Nordstrom down nearly 30%.
    Megacaps are mixed, with Meta in the lead and Amazon trailing.
    In a recent note, Morgan Stanley says Big Tech is still underowned.
    In other economic reports, personal income and spending rose for October, while the pace of new home sales came in lower than anticipated and November consumer sentiment fell less than expected.
    Before the bell, the Labor Department reported weekly claims at 199K.
    "We expected a huge drop in jobless claims - the consensus was baffling - which were pushed down by a seasonal adjustment quirk," Pantheon Macro's Ian Shepherdson writes. "It will substantially reverse next week, with claims rebounding to about 250K. That said, the trend in claims is clearly falling, and we expect it to return to the pre-Covid low, about 210K, early next year. Laying off staff is risky when the labor market is so tight, with near-record job openings."
    Other premarket indicators weren't as encouraging, though. Durable goods orders fell unexpectedly for October, but that was almost solely due to a decline in plane orders. The GDP Q3 revision came in a little light at 2.1%.
    Oil is slightly lower as rumors abound about OPEC+ changing course on production.
    Nasdaq, S&P 500 rise at the close, Dow Jones erases most losses as yields slip