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103223755 Private ID: 103223755
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    $DBS Group Holdings(D05.SG)$ Calm down. I have been investing in DBS for a long time and have experienced many ups and downs. The stock price will not rise in a straight line. This downtrend is normal. As long as their business is good, don't worry. In fact, this could be a buying opportunity. Keep up the long-term mindset, and you'll be rewarded, just like me.
    $E-Home Household Service(EJH.US)$ $E-Home Household Service(EJH.US)$
    Annual revenue growth rate for a single quarter: Compared with last year's revenue for the same quarter, short-term revenue growth trends can be seen
    Annual revenue growth rate for the past 4 quarters: Comparing the revenue for the past 4 quarters with the revenue for the same period last year, we can see the long-term revenue growth trend
    E-Family Home Services Co., Ltd. was incorporated in the Cayman Islands on September 24, 2018. The company is mainly engaged in: 1. Installation and maintenance of home appliances and smart homes; 2. Housekeeping, babysitting, babysitting and cleaning services; 3. Internet retirement+home care; 4. Hospital care; 5. Babysitter delivery platform. After years of development, eFamily Express has formed two main lines of business and four auxiliary channels for the C-end and B-side. Two main channels: 1. The C-side business, which mainly includes babysitting, babysitting, home care, and cleaning, and other comprehensive family services, has now successfully connected with metaverse technology to enable metaverse customer service to serve customers through metaverse technology. Metaverse domestic worker training to train domestic workers; 2. B-side business mainly focuses on public cleaning and leasing of cleaning robots. Four auxiliary channels: 1. Connect metaverse technology to the housekeeping and cleaning industry; 2. Online and offline sales of pharmaceuticals and health food (including babysitters and carers bring goods); 3. Train babysitters and caregivers to physical stores to carry out health care; 4. Human resources (flexible employment).
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