OPSee empty
When it rises, there should be someone calling out a price or sending out some nonsense message, right? And when it drops back next Monday, there will probably be something again.
Of course, regardless of whether this Stocks rises or falls, there will always be comments about it, and you must know that, right? What you are saying is just data; when everyone knows it, it is no longer just data.
103361303 OP : I am just curious why no one is around when it rises, but a lot of people come out when it falls.
103361303 OP See empty : When it rises, there should be someone calling out a price or sending out some nonsense message, right?
And when it drops back next Monday, there will probably be something again. 
103361303 OP : Of course, regardless of whether this Stocks rises or falls, there will always be comments about it, and you must know that, right? What you are saying is just data; when everyone knows it, it is no longer just data.