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103592918 Private ID: 103592918
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    $BIMB(5258.MY)$ The mid-term chart has now been rising after a narrow wave of fluctuating downward decline. Judging from the details of the rise, the upward continuity is good, the acceptability is good, and the trend is clear and standardized. The operating characteristics are the same as the capital operation characteristics of BIMB as an institutional stock. It is a characteristic of institutional stocks cooperating with institutional capital. At the same time, there are clear signs of a change in trend. However, in the details of the partial adjustments, it was found that some people were selling in large numbers, mainly showing signs of pulling the tail end of the market on 3.15, 5.31, and 6.21, and there was a huge increase in trading volume on 3.15. Under normal circumstances, the main purpose of this last-minute trend is to raise prices with minimal capital close to closing. This can increase the price of the next day's sale. The market closes after raising the price with minimal capital at the end of the session, so there is no need to bear future selling pressure. This is a standard shipping method for pulling the tail plate. However, we continued to review the market and discovered that there are many traces of pulling the end of the market to determine that there are currently insufficient opinions that some people are selling in large quantities. The capital of the 3.15 closing market was 78.5974 million. The full-day turnover on 3.16 was 4.1929 million. On the 5.31 day, the closing capital was 2.266 million, and on the 6.4 day, the full-day turnover was 3.9664 million. 6.21 3.1852 million, 6.24 full day turnover 2.6433 million. Judging from these turnover values, if you analyze it from the viewpoint of pulling the end of the day, the next day's full-day turnover won't be enough to pay out the trading capital...
    $NVIDIA(NVDA.US)$ The core elements driving world growth are not the same in every era. The farming era was cotton, and the industrial age was oil. Now we are about to enter the smart era, and the core element of the intelligent era is chips. We are now in the post-industrial era's transition to the intelligent era. The essence of war is to create demand through war, raise oil prices, sell assets at a high level, let the world take over, and then build a system that uses chips to control world economic growth. In other words, the rise in NVDA is a planned and premeditated increase by the consortium behind it, and then let the world's retail investors take over, thus completing shipments. This is the upward logic behind it. The current stock price was split from 1 to 10 to allow retail investors who can't afford it to enter the market. Next, shareholders such as NVDA, Meta, and Dell have all recently reduced their holdings. From these phenomena, it can be judged that the final stage has arrived
    First, understand NVDA's upward logic: the core elements driving world economic growth are not the same in every era. The farming era was cotton, and the industrial age was oil. Now we are about to enter the smart era, and the core element of the intelligent era is chips. We are now in the post-industrial era's transition to the intelligent era. The essence of war is to create demand through war, raise oil prices, sell assets at a high level, let the world take over, and then build a system that uses chips to control world economic growth. In other words, the rise in NVDA is a planned and premeditated increase by the consortium behind it, and then let the world's retail investors take over, thus completing shipments. This is the upward logic behind it. The current stock price was split from 1 to 10 to allow retail investors who can't afford it to enter the market. Next, shareholders such as NVDA, Meta, and Dell have all recently reduced their holdings. It can be judged from these phenomena that the final stage has already been reached. Looking at the details of the trend in the chart over the past few days, the single-day decline has clearly increased, but it is not yet continuous. Next, we need to focus on the magnitude of the decline to determine the probability of escaping. However, once the top is formed, it will be the top of the next ten years. In the future, the chip industry will inevitably experience a major crisis, then complete major asset restructuring at a low price and transfer chips to a small number of people. Only then will Changbulu start rising. Use two charts to predict future trends
    Analysis of the current situation and future of NVDA
    Analysis of the current situation and future of NVDA
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