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103786019 Private ID: 103786019
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    $YTL(4677.MY)$ Is it too late to sell now 😥
    Yang Zhongli Shuangxiong's stock price plummeted? Let's see what the market says about whether they should pick up the knife or not.
    In which, $YTLPOWR(6742.MY)$Yang Zhongli Electric's profit performance declined quarterly. Most investment banks believe that its stock price trend will also slow down, and they have downgraded the stock rating to “hold on” or “follow the market.”
    Galaxy Securities analysts pointed out that due to a quarterly decline of 18% in the profit contribution of the Singaporean subsidiary Power Seraya in the 3rd quarter of fiscal year 2024 (up to the end of March) and the expansion of telecom business losses, Yang Zhongli Electric's net profit for the 3rd quarter also began to fall from its peak, falling 16% from quarter to quarter.
    “Power Seraya's net profit performance began to return to normal in the 3rd quarter. At the same time, the telecom business faced the impact of the decline in project revenue and increased losses, which was enough to offset the narrowing of Wessex Water's losses and the contribution of the affiliate company to more profits.”
    The analyst also said that Power Seraya's electricity retail revenue declined quarterly due to renewed power supply contracts, which offset higher electricity sales brought about by hot weather in the 3rd quarter.
    As for the outlook, the analyst did not change Yang Zhongli Electric's future profit expectations. He still predicts that Power Seraya's profit will continue to fall back to normal levels, but the recovery in Wessex Water's performance, combined with contributions from the data center business beginning in the second half of fiscal year 2025, is expected to mitigate the impact of the decline in Singapore's power generation profits.
    Are people afraid you're buying it? Can Yang Zhongli take over the sword?
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