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104149248 Private ID: 104149248
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    $Keppel DC Reit (AJBU.SG)$
    Hi all. New to this so if anyone can help explain, appreciate it! I received an email about rights issue, asking to choose option 1 to exercise____ and option 2 no action default.
    May I know what it means if I choose option 1, or even option 2? And anyone can advise what I should choose?
    $Keppel DC Reit (AJBU.SG)$
    Hi! Sorry for this question. Wanted to clarify. If I am holding on to this reit and not selling any, the daily P/L is not an amt that I receive and get credited into my account daily correct? It is just showing how much amt I get if I were to sell on that day?
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