$Intel (INTC.US)$ Buying options incurs a 10% commission, and selling also requires payment. The trade of Intel options at 3:40 am on Saturday resulted in an account balance of 0.06 million Xin, showing a profit of 2700 Xin, with 4000 Xin frozen as collateral. The next day, the account balance is only 0.058 million Xin, and the frozen assets are back to 0. Why are the options trading fees so expensive?
104267271 OP : Why is the commission fee so high? Can someone explain it?
104267271 OP amd支持者 : Just asked customer service and confirmed that it is calculated based on the number of sheets, which is fine. However, the handling fee is really a bit excessive, a lesson learned.
104267271 OP amd支持者 : The first one is 468, and the second one is 279.
104267271 OP 股往金来 : It's ridiculous, why did this happen?
104267271 OP Mark2024 : Singapore account
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