104735960 OP 104502756 : Can do a rough calculation? Because according to the plan with pruvantage, the payout is around 0.0051 per unit
104735960 OP PE Goh : Mind asking if you are FA or you got friends who are currently into it?
104735960 OP : I see… but here there’s 1.5 pa charge right so in reality dividend is too around 5.5% right?
104735960 OP PE Goh : May I know the name of product bro?
104735960 OP 103751450 : Thanks for replying. Do you also buy this fund directly here or through Pruvantage Assure?
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104735960 OP 104502756 : Can do a rough calculation? Because according to the plan with pruvantage, the payout is around 0.0051 per unit
104735960 OP PE Goh : Mind asking if you are FA or you got friends who are currently into it?
104735960 OP : I see… but here there’s 1.5 pa charge right so in reality dividend is too around 5.5% right?
104735960 OP PE Goh : May I know the name of product bro?
104735960 OP 103751450 : Thanks for replying. Do you also buy this fund directly here or through Pruvantage Assure?
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