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181747077 Private ID: 181747077
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    CrowdStrike は、10 年以上前から拡張されているセキュリティ ソリューション スイートで、サイバーセキュリティ業界で最も話題になっている企業の 1 つです。
    2023 年、CrowdStrike は、ガートナーの 2023 年マジック クアドラントのエンドポイント保護部門で、ビジョンの完全性と実行能力が最も高く評価され、4 回連続でリーダーに選ばれました。また、2024 年第 1 四半期のForrester Wave レポートによると、CrowdStrike はクラウド ワークロード セキュリティのリーダーに選ばれ、戦略面で全ベンダーの中で CrowdStrike が最高位にランクされ、ビジョンとイノベーションに関して最高のスコアを獲得しました。業界での賞賛のリストは長く増え続けているにもかかわらず、同社は今後も事業を継続する必要があり、大富豪の仲間入りには時間がかかるだろう。
    2024 会計年度 (1 月 31 日終了) に、クラウドストライクは 30 億 6,000 万ドルの収益を上げ、売上高価格比 (P/S)は約 24 となりました。P/S が一定であると...
    Good morning to all moomoo users!Here are the key points for today's early morning report.
    ● [Tokyo Stock Market Forecast Range] ¥0.036 million - ¥0.0364 million (closing price on the 7th: ¥0.036119 million)
    ● ARM shares surge after hours, temporarily up 26% - bullish outlook is the catalyst
    ●Concerns about layoffs arise within Tesla, instructing management to confirm which positions are essential.
    ●NY Dow rises $156 to a record high, positive about the improvement in corporate performance.
    ●KKR Mortgage REIT declines, announces reduced dividends due to deterioration of commercial loans.
    ●Shares of US regional bank NYCB fluctuate wildly, temporarily dropping by 14% due to lingering uncertainties about its management.
    -Japanese stock ADR 7th, buy predominant, Toyota continues to buy
    -moomoo News Kathy
    Market overview
    In the US stock market on the 7th, the NY Dow Jones Industrial Average closed higher by 156 dollars 00 cents, an increase of 0.03% to 8,677 dollars 36 cents from the previous trading day. The Nasdaq Composite Index was up 147.646 points, or 0.01%, to 5,756.644. On the 8th, the Tokyo stock market is expected to see buying predominance in a wide range, including major stocks, and the Nikkei Stock Average is likely to rebound after 3 days of decline...
    [Morning Report] ARM has a bullish outlook and the stock price soared in after-hours trading. Concerns about layoffs have surfaced within Tesla, instructing management to confirm which positions are essential.
    [Morning Report] ARM has a bullish outlook and the stock price soared in after-hours trading. Concerns about layoffs have surfaced within Tesla, instructing management to confirm which positions are essential.
    This article uses automatic translation for some of its parts
    The yield of the US bond market rose drastically during the week, which was the first trading day in 2024, and it looked like it would join the global bond sales trend. Major central banks in Europe, America, etc. will this yearThe view that interest rates will be cut drastically has recededDoing it.
    It is an indicator of long-term interest rates $U.S. 10-Year Treasury Notes Yield (US10Y.BD)$It temporarily rose from the 3.8% range to a high level of 4.1% for the first time in about a month. $U.S. 30-Year Treasury Bonds Yield (US30Y.BD)$It also rose from 4.0% to over 4.2%.
    Early interest rate cut observations receded in response to statements made by senior officials of the US Federal Reserve (Fed), disclosure of the summary of proceedings of the US Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) in December, and employment statistics that were stronger than market expectations, etc., and the movement to let go of US bonds spread.
    “The market may be expecting the Fed to cut interest rates this year, but since many interest rate cuts have already been factored in, there is a high possibility that market expectations will moderate. Assuming that part of expectations for interest rate cuts has been factored in, the US dollar will rise first, and there is a possibility that 2024 will end softly,” said Rabobank's FX strategist, Jan...
    Are rising US bond yields, and expectations for drastic interest rate cuts receding, and an opportunity to buy in reverse?
    Are rising US bond yields, and expectations for drastic interest rate cuts receding, and an opportunity to buy in reverse?
    Are rising US bond yields, and expectations for drastic interest rate cuts receding, and an opportunity to buy in reverse?
    Conventionally, an automobile body composed of many parts is integrally molded with a large casting machine (die casting machine),A new production technology, “Gigacast,” which aims to reduce costs in electric vehicle (EV) manufacturing, is attracting attention.Overseas players, starting with the US Tesla, have already begun to introduce it, and it was delayed $Toyota Motor (TM.US)$Last year, they also announced a policy to be adopted for EVs from '26 onwards. $Subaru (7270.JP)$Ya $Honda Motor (7267.JP)$It is said that they are also considering adoption.
    The brands related to Gigacast where the Golden Cross occurred on the most recent chart are UBE and Taiki Aluminum
    $Ube (4208.JP)$
    A major chemical manufacturer. We handle a wide range of products, such as molding machines, industrial machinery, and lithium-ion rechargeable battery materials. Major auto parts company $Ryobi (5851.JP)$On 23/9/14, it was announced that it had ordered an ultra-large die-casting machine for Gigacast from UBE's machinery business subsidiary UBE Machinery, and stock prices skyrocketed. Consolidated for the fiscal year ending March 24...
    2 upward conversion signal brands for the new technology “Gigacast” for EV production! Cost reduction through integrated molding of parts; focus on casting machine-related products
    2 upward conversion signal brands for the new technology “Gigacast” for EV production! Cost reduction through integrated molding of parts; focus on casting machine-related products
    2 upward conversion signal brands for the new technology “Gigacast” for EV production! Cost reduction through integrated molding of parts; focus on casting machine-related products
    181747077 reacted to and commented on
    This article uses automatic translation in part
    The number of people employed in the non-farm sector in DecemberFriday (5th) at 10:30 p.m. Japan timeIt is scheduled to be announced on At the market, rice in DecemberThe number of people employed in the non-farm sector is expected to increase by 163,000, and the unemployment rate is expected to rise to 3.8%It's been done.
    According to ADP employment statistics released this week, the number of people employed in the non-farm sector in December surpassed 164,000, which suggests that recruitment activities of US companies have become active. Meanwhile, the number of US JOLTS job offers in November also reached a low level of 8.79 million for the first time in about 3 years.
    According to US employment statistics for November, the unemployment rate declined unexpectedly from the previous month, and the growth in the number of people employed in the non-farm sector exceeded expectations. The deceleration in the labor market cannot be confirmed from today's figures, and expectations for aggressive interest rate cuts by the FRB next year, which the market is expecting, cannot be justified. According to employment statistics released by the US Department of Labor,November Non-Farm Payrolls (NFP)Is19.9 million increase、The market forecast is for an increase of 180,000 people.
    unemployment rateIt is 3.7%, and the forecast is 3.9%.
    Average hourly wage (month-on-month)0.4%, forecast 0.3%.
    According to the number of employees in November, the return to work of automobile manufacturer employees who had carried out the strike was pushed by 30,000...
    [Preview] Will the US employment statistics for December confirm the interest rate cut observations scheduled to be announced tonight
    [Preview] Will the US employment statistics for December confirm the interest rate cut observations scheduled to be announced tonight
    [Preview] Will the US employment statistics for December confirm the interest rate cut observations scheduled to be announced tonight
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