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182358851 Private ID: 182358851
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    182358851 commented on
    ウィズダムツリーのマクロ経済研究ディレクターであるアニーカ・グプタは、連邦準備制度の利下げ期待の再燃の中で株式市場の見通しについて議論した。彼女は $NVIDIA (NVDA.US)$の収益見通しについてもコメントしており、結果が予想を上回ればテクノロジー分野で「非常にポジティブな勢い」をもたらす可能性があると述べてる。
    182358851 reacted to
    Greatness is not born from intelligence Greatness is born from individuality individuality is not born from smart people let's experience pain and difficulties that can only be born from people who have experienced difficulties
    by Leather Jacket
    182358851 reacted to
    Rather than cutting losses on investments
    Life losses, relationship losses
    This one is more difficult.
    Acknowledging the fault with the way of life up until now,
    Starting over with your life.
    Assert NO to relationships that have sprung up with emotion,
    Starting over with relationships.
    Investment products, life, relationships
    Take off your colored glasses once,
    cut a loss? hold?
    We need room for consideration.
    A message to eradicate unhappy sales
    182358851 commented on
    It should have exploded in the last minute and ended on the Taiyo Line, but when I look at it now, it has changed to a dark beard.
    The balance of assets also suddenly changed.
    It doesn't fit even if you add up the daily profit calculation.
    It's kind of creepy, so I'm thinking about withdrawing. Speaking of which, this was Tencent in China.
    In 2023, US high-tech stocks unexpectedly recovered, and artificial intelligence (AI) led the wave of soaring US stocks, $NVIDIA (NVDA.US)$It was an opportunity for high-tech companies such as to hit record highs. As we head into 2024, Wall Street analysts predict that high-tech companies such as NVIDIA will continue to be bullish. Also, many companies that were underestimated last year are also receiving a lot of attention this year.
    Analysts at major US securitiesArtificial intelligence (AI) -related tailwinds continueI pointed it out. NVIDIA's performance is very strong, and it continues to be an analystTop picks in the semiconductor categoryIt is recommended for. Furthermore, analysts are looking forward to the following companies.
    semiconductor industry
    According to the research report (2024 Semiconductor Outlook Report) published by IDC, global demand for artificial intelligence (AI) and high-performance computing (HPC) exploded, combined with stable demand for smartphones, computers, and infrastructure, and steady growth in the automobile industry,The semiconductor industry is likely to ride a new wave of growthIt's called.
    NVIDIAMore than doubled last year...
    What are the most loved tech stocks in 2024? Pay attention to blue-chip stocks other than NVIDIA!
    182358851 commented on
    また、S&P500はここ数週間、テクニカル的に買われすぎている。ルネッサンス・マクロのJeff deGraaf氏は、10月以来の上昇の勢いと幅広さが、今のところセンチメントの強さへの懸念を上回っているという。同氏は、第1四半期に反落する可能性はかなり高いが、トレンドからは押し目買いモードで、調整局面での下げ幅はおそらく4600前後(3-4%下落)にとどまると見ている。歴史を振り返ってみると、S&P500は年間20%以上上昇したケースが少なくない。1928年以降、S&P500は約36%の割合で年間20%以上の上昇を記録している。
    Unemployment claims are weekly reports of the number of people who have filed for unemployment benefits for the first time. These claims are an important indicator of the health of the labor market, as they can provide early warning signs of economic recessions or expansions.
    In the United States, unemployment claims are filed with state governments. The US Department of Labor then compiles the data and publishes it on a weekly basis.
    The numbe...
    US Number of applications for unemployment insurance
    182358851 commented on and voted
    Major US semiconductor company $NVIDIA (NVDA.US)$The 24Q2 financial results were announced after closing on the 23rd. Sales exceeded double the same period last year,A record highIt has been reached. It rose 8% in pre-market trading on the 24th.
    ● Sales:135.07100 million dollars (market forecast $11.042 billion), year-over-year101% increase
    ● EPS after adjustment and dilution:2.70USD (market forecast $2.07), year-over-year429% surge
    ● Adjusted gross profit margin: from 45.9% in the same period last year71.2%Rapid increase to (market forecast 70.1%)
    ● Data center division sales:103.23100 million dollars (market forecast 7.981 billion dollars), year-on-year171% rapid growth
    ● Gaming Division Revenue:24.86100 million dollars (market forecast $2.38 billion), up 22% from the same period last year
    ●Q3 Sales Forecast:160It is 100 million dollars (± 2%), exceeding market expectations of 13.1 billion dollars.
    According to a statement from Chief Executive Officer Jenson Hwang (CEO),”A new era of computing has begun. Companies around the world are moving from general-purpose computing to accelerated computing and generative AI...
    [Financial Summary] Will NVIDIA record sales and net profit be the catalyst for a new AI boom
    [Financial Summary] Will NVIDIA record sales and net profit be the catalyst for a new AI boom