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182455816 Private ID: 182455816
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    $SKY BLUE 11(01010.HK)$ Yes, we change our company name every 2 or 3 years. Maybe it's easy to be manipulated, and that's probably the case with the company itself. The increase in buying and selling the other day is like Datetrade, and the number of shares is the same, and it starts moving after about 45 minutes of closing time. Since it is not possible to date trade Chinese stocks via Japanese securities companies, they are probably from the Asian region or relatives. That was a stinky move. There are many days where they don't buy or sell from first thing in the morning to the back office, so was the CEO bad that moved suddenly? was it hooked? It's still interesting to watch, but there's still no profit here.
    $SKY BLUE 11(01010.HK)$ What will happen? the top management is missing and we can't get in touch? What will happen to the company? Were the planned expansion projects stalled without receiving loans, and there were no pool dividends to shareholders? OK, is it over? I wonder if someone won't buy it? I'm making a selfish comment, but isn't it in a bad direction?
    $SKY BLUE 11(01010.HK)$ I read company news, but I don't understand the meaning; canceling the acquisition plan and allocating shares to existing shareholders in June probably means both are canceled. I was looking forward to the end of the June general meeting, but was that just a plan? If anyone knows, please let me know.
    $SKY BLUE 11(01010.HK)$
    This morning, I was taking a day off in America last night, and I was worried about what would happen without snuggling up, but the momentum was amazing. I'm still looking forward to it
    $SKY BLUE 11(01010.HK)$  
    That's a huge turnover, selling 0.54 is a big deal, can you digest it? Are you looking forward to it starting next week
    $SKY BLUE 11(01010.HK)$
    Will it be decided at the general meeting? There is a guide to the general meeting, and there is an entry field for my address and shares held, so after completing this work, the company confirms it, and then obtains a general meeting notification ticket, so isn't it recognized as a shareholder? If you don't go that far and it's deemed that they have abandoned it as a shareholder, won't they get it? that's difficult. Hong Kong Stocks
    $SKY BLUE 11(01010.HK)$
    Hongmao Technology (stock code: 1010) announced a share supply to raise up to approximately HK$1466 million (before deducting expenses). As for supply, when shareholders hold one share, it is distributed at HK$0.330 per share as the standard share supply stock, so it is planned to issue a maximum of 444,294,170 stock supply shares. This share supply is offered only to all qualified shareholders and not to insufficient shareholders. The financing will mainly be used for the development and expansion of the Group's yacht business, the acquisition of B&W Beleggingen BV in the Netherlands, and general operating capital. The share supply conditions are implemented only when approved by independent shareholders at the general shareholders' meeting, and approval by the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Listing Committee is required to obtain approval for listing and trading share supply shares. A special general meeting of shareholders will be convened in 2024/6 to consider stock supply resolutions. After the share supply is completed, the share supply shares have the same status as the issued shares and enjoy dividend rights, including future dividends and distribution rights.
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