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Cger Private ID: 182996916
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    It's unfair that billionaires who engage in scalping, trading in seconds, and long-term investors are subject to the same tax system.
    People who engage in scalping are actually just taking other people's money in the market, without any concern for the social economy or companies.
    In contrast, long-term investors provide stable funding to companies and support the social economy.
    Therefore, instead of regulating short-term trading, the inequality should be addressed by revising the tax system.
    Cger commented on
    Because I myself have worked in this industry, I understand the situation well. The operation is conducted by targeting residents who can receive home visits three times a day. Among the target population, Parkinson's disease has a relatively high level of independence and a low level of dependence on care and nursing. Originally, it was explained that 1 or 2 visits were needed for 5%, but those who could not be accommodated occur at that probability. It is because it is not possible to allocate staff. It is more profitable to abandon it rather than to assign one more person. However, it can be said that as long as it is done according to the instructions of the doctor based on the system, there is no problem. However, the problem is the content going forward. How much additional payment for night visits is being claimed? I think it will be noticed by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare now that it has become a problem. What did they do to people who did not need visits in the middle of the night when they were supposed to be sleeping? If they take advantage of the dark gray area, it could result in fraudulent claims amounting to hundreds of millions of yen, and whether they can escape successfully or not is worth seeing. Personally, taking visits in the middle of the night is disadvantageous for their reputation.
    This is not only a problem for Sanwells, but I think it will also affect other hospice-related stocks. However, for the others, there are a certain number of residents in the terminal stage of cancer (requiring 3 visits), so Sanwells is the most affected.
    Cger Set a live reminder
    Market information before and after the Tokyo stock market closing, explaining the individual stocks that stood out today, and the outlook for the market after tomorrow.
    Main commentary by Shinichi Kamata (Radio NIKKEI commentator).
    * This program does not solicit investment or other actions. Please make your final decision regarding investments by yourself.
    ザ・マネー~Today’s Market(2024.09.02)
    Sep 2 01:00
    Cger voted
    $NVIDIA (NVDA.US)$ On August 28th, Nvidia is scheduled to announce its earnings for the second quarter of fiscal year 2025 after the closing of the U.S. stock market (morning of August 29th Japan time).On August 28thAfter the closing of the U.S. stock market on August 28th (morning of August 29th Japan time)for the second quarter of fiscal year 2025In the semiconductor industry for artificial intelligence (AI), while maintaining a dominant positionCan they exceed market expectations and demonstrate impressive growth and performance?Please predict and vote on the closing price of Nvidia on the next business day after the earnings announcement!
    ● Distribute 10,000 points equally
    Until 10pm on August 29th (Japan time),Please predict the closing price of Nvidia on August 29th (5 a.m. Japan time on the 30th) and choose from the following price ranges.If the actual closing price matches the price range you voted for, points will be distributed equally to all users who voted for that price range (e.g. if 50 users hit the mark, each will receive 200 points!).
    【Special Challenge! Win a 500 yen Amazon gift card】
    Predict the closing price of Nvidia and have a chance to win additional bonuses!
    Until 10pm on August 29th (Japan time)Please predict the closing price on August 29thAccording to recent financial estimates, Nvidia is planning to announce its earnings for the second quarter of fiscal year 2025 after the closing of the U.S. stock market on August 28th (morning of August 29th Japan time). They have been maintaining a dominant position in the semiconductor industry for artificial intelligence (AI), and the market is expecting them to deliver impressive growth and strong performance.
    Get special benefits by predicting the closing price of nvidia after the financial results.
    Get special benefits by predicting the closing price of nvidia after the financial results.
    Cger Set a live reminder
    $NVIDIA (NVDA.US)$ A financial results briefing for the 2nd quarter of fiscal year 2025 is scheduled to be held at 6:00 a.m. on 2024/8/29 (Thursday) Japan time. This briefing sessionIt will be distributed in subtitle translation format. If you would like to watch it,“reservation”Click on the button.
    ◆ Precautions
    The content of this live show is provided by a subtitle translation service for customer convenience. Subtitles are generated using Microsoft Azure (Microsoft Azure) and Amazon Translate (Amazon Translate). No warranty of any kind, express or implied, is made with respect to the accuracy, reliability, or accuracy of English to Japanese machine translations. If damage is suffered due to translated content, we are not responsible for such damage. Please keep this in mind when watching.
    Nvidia Q2 Earnings Call for Fiscal Year 2025 (subtitled translation)
    Aug 28 16:00
    Cger liked
    Even though Nikkei is doing well, there aren't even any stock swing trade results; no, they're losing.
    Probabilistic stock trading.
    I don't like cutting losses, and I don't have enough money, so I can't think of this kind of idea. They are trying to set up this and that, sift through shallow loss cuts, keep survival, recover loss splits, and leave even profits.
    2153EJ Holdings, 7011 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, 5101 Yokohama Rubber, 9532 Osaka Gas
    For now, check it out.
    I don't have enough money at all, so I think I'll try setting it up little by little with IG.
    I have nothing but anxiety, but I like to know and try new methods.