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183293171 Private ID: 183293171
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    Tomorrow is SQ, so even if it goes down, you don't need to worry too much about tonight the day before ~ 😪
    It's probably going to change to a buying advantage for the conference ✨
    Let's look forward to next week's market price and the Nvidia ✨ GTC 2024 event. Mr. Hwang, do your best to be on stage ~ ☀☀♪ 🔥📈
    I expect NVIDIA GTC to be held on 3/19 ✨ plus + 8.5% or more
    I expect NVIDIA GTC to be held on 3/19 ✨ plus + 8.5% or more
    183293171 reacted to
    Today's NVIDIA is pretty resistant to falling, isn't it? I think the risk return is pretty excellent. I'm not particularly worried because I've been going back and forth between $400 and $500 last year and not getting ahead easily. After some dispute, it was over $1000 of that. Let's sleep leisurely and wait
    183293171 commented on
    $SKY BLUE 11(01010.HK)$ Will today be interrupted due to a low stop?
    $SKY BLUE 11(01010.HK)$ LINE has just been shut down. At last, the fraudsters got away with the sale. This is the Miura, Nakamura, and Kimishima groups.
    $SKY BLUE 11(01010.HK)$ You've come, haven't you? Niagara Stock Fraud! Miura and Nakamura say that stocks will still go up... instructions have been issued to send screenshots since they guarantee it. It is a setting where a margin is added to the scammer when a screenshot is sent. Furthermore, holdings are identified, and they are simply further dropped. Naturally, there are no guarantees, etc., and LINE is closed. The person being cheated on is quite impatient, so I can clearly see who Sakura was.
    183293171 commented on
    $SKY BLUE 11(01010.HK)$
    The purchase instructions are 4.07, but they're already higher than that! It's up to 10$!
    183293171 commented on
    $SKY BLUE 11(01010.HK)$ How much did the groups all over there start with?
    Starting at around HK$3?
    183293171 commented on
    $SKY BLUE 11(01010.HK)$ What is relatively common in trading stocks (even general stocks) is the Kabuse line. If the long bearded turnip line comes out... will Niagara finally come
    $SKY BLUE 11(01010.HK)$
    It is said that semiconductors are being transferred to Huawei. The Mate60Pro, which uses that semiconductor, is selling well, and it seems that they are waiting for 2 months.
    They are in stock at ETOREN, and you can even buy them at Rakuten Ichiba.
    I wonder if it's about time we close our hands.
    183293171 reacted to and commented on
    $SKY BLUE 11(01010.HK)$
    I feel that little by little, the contradictions and differences in the story are getting bigger.
    Someone in the group today touched on the Dutch company takeover that was announced this morning. It was stated that a memorandum of understanding with no legal effect was signed, and that only superyachts and luxury yachts will be manufactured. Regarding the points that were not mentioned about Huawei semiconductors, I was wondering if it was okay.
    In response to that, roughly speaking, the reply was that they didn't want the US to find out that it was still a subsidiary of Huawei.
    I think it's impossible to spread the word by softly telling it only to people who buy stocks without getting caught in America.
    It is said that institutional investors are buying a lot, but it's still 1, and after all, do they want to know or not be known?
    Until recently, it would be amazing if this came to light. They said they could break through 10 Hong Kong dollars by 3 times 4 times, but wouldn't it be bad if they knew it now? Moreover, it is known in a modest way, and why are confidential matters known to me as such an ordinary person?
    Looks like they'll be here soon, right?
    Everyone, be careful!