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184095261 Private ID: 184095261
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    Both Munger and Buffett are living a long time.
    Let's exercise without staring at stock prices!
    Time is the greatest weapon you can get!
    As of 19:18 on 4/13, BTC Bitcoin,↑ 358.00Of,67450.00It has become.
    $Bitcoin (BTC.CC)$
    Bitcoin progress information
    184095261 liked and commented on
    $JPMorgan (JPM.US)$ A financial results briefing for the 1st quarter of 2024 is scheduled to be held from 2024/4/12 (Friday) around 9:30 p.m. Japan time. This briefing sessionIt will be distributed in subtitle translation format. If you would like to watch, please tap the “Book” button.
    Is the market forecast an increase in sales and profit, and will it be the highest sales ever for the quarter?
    The market forecast for JPMorgan's financial results for the fiscal year ending January-March is that total revenue is compared to the same period last yearApproximately $40.6 billion, up 6.1%What is the profit per share0.26% increase to approximately $4.11An increase in profit and sales is expected. What kind of price movements do you think JPMorgan will have after receiving the financial results?
    Be sure to schedule a live stream!
    ◆ Precautions  
    The content of this live show is provided by a subtitle translation service for customer convenience. Subtitles are generated using Microsoft Azure (Microsoft Azure) and Amazon Translate (Amazon Translate). No warranty of any kind, express or implied, is made with respect to the accuracy, reliability, or accuracy of English to Japanese machine translations. Damage due to translated content...
    JPMorgan Chase 2024 Q1 financial results briefing (subtitle translation)
    Apr 12 07:30
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