$Futu Holdings Ltd (FUTU.US)$ TD Ameritrade has a much lower short interest shown. it's very different than the other poster.

$Futu Holdings Ltd (FUTU.US)$ I jumped put when ARK sold all of their FUTU, and some large shareholders also appear to be trimming their positions too (tencent and Next Generation Entrepreneurs show decreased ownership). Volatility is really high right now which I guess happens every time the large shareholders see the price spike enough to satisfy profit goals. A good company with potential indeed, but the little guys get eaten buy those big money.....I'd let this drop more before buying back in....

$Plug Power (PLUG.US)$ $Blink Charging (BLNK.US)$ How on earth are BLNK and PLUG this overvalued? Does anyone on here own an EV or a hydrogen Vehicle? if so, they would know that BLNK chargers are like 1 in 2 useable and you will hardly if ever see anyone plugged into one. Let these 2 stocks go back to Sub 5$ where they belong. Let PLUG make a useable product to the public before letting the price any higher.