$NIO Inc (NIO.US)$ Liquidity has arrived for the domestic Chinese economy. NIO stock price will continue to rise over the next 9 months. Year end target of $11/12.
$NIO-SW (09866.HK)$ For NIO, the dynamics have changed for now. The stock price will raise in the short run.
$NIO-SW (09866.HK)$ Seems to be climbing the wall of worries and starting to go up. Interesting that NIO reported poor sales numbers but the stock price is raising. I would not short this stock at the moment as the price seems to have bottomed out for moment.
$NIO Inc (NIO.US)$ NIO’s stock will probably trade higher for the rest of the year as the Chinese authorities are finally going to start printing money and the US government is weakening the dollar to stabilize the yuan. I’m watching for the HK and Chinese stock markets to stabilize and head higher as financial conditions (liquidity) ease. Just my interpretation of recent events. The recent tough talk of both the Trump administration and the Chinese authorities are just...
$NIO Inc (NIO.US)$ Missing the childish analysis on NIO February delivery!
$NIO-SW (09866.HK)$ Expect NIO to give back all of today’s gains by Friday Morning. NIO is still burning through it cash position and will need to raise new capital by 1Q26