$Bed Bath & Beyond (BBBYQ.US)$
cant get limit orders to go through on options or shares, just getting a pop up that my order cant be completed. Advice?
cant get limit orders to go through on options or shares, just getting a pop up that my order cant be completed. Advice?
70981529 OP Faithful fish : I know I have to wait till market open, I wasn’t able to get fills last week on it either, bidding at last ask (verified last trading price on site with no OTC/expert price lag) Can you still buy calls here? What am I doing wrong lol?
70981529 OP Ken Griffin Charity : Yeah, I know dude. But some retail is still able to buy in expert, I know several. :)
70981529 OP Ken Griffin Charity : Dude don’t be a dick. Canadians are able to buy and I just read some bought on MooMoo, that’s why I’m asking. Sorry bout your vibes
70981529 OP : jfc man just ignore the question if you don’t know
70981529 OP Ken Griffin Charity : I got a fill yesterday, figured out what I was doing wrong (can’t have pre/post market on)
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