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71158739 Private ID: 71158739
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    $GameStop(GME.US)$ GME will go to 1000$. Just buy shares and HOLD! Don't let the corrupt hedge funds and stock manipulators like Melvin force you out of the trade! They will try everything. But to hell with them! The money made can be literally life changing! You have goals and aspirations. Let them pay for your college. Let them pay for your house! Let them pay for you dreams! Let them pay for your future!! 1000 and beyond!
    $GameStop(GME.US)$ For those who want proof that I am bullish and holding here you are. Meanwhile the bears below would definitely not show their positions. I am expecting minimum 500$ and max 1000$ after the mother squeeze is over. NOT just 70$.
    $GameStop(GME.US)$ Also to note you will hear how WSB has rigged this stock to go parabolic. While WSB collectively may own 10% of the stock they did after extensive research and knowledge on the stock. They have lived and breathed GME for months now and their fruits are being paid off. But ultimately the shorters and the companies/people holding GME like Ryan Cohen are the market movers. You can join them like many are doing now. Or cry about how it will go back to 20 like Citron and apparently recent posters on this App. ...
    $GameStop(GME.US)$ You are going to see a lot of posts being bearish about GME. The company itself has members switched out and their e-commerce is exploding up. Even founder of Chewy is on the board. They got a contract with Microsoft as well. On those aspects it is easy to go long. In the short this thing will be squeezed similar to Volkswagen. Due to the amount of companies trying to short it. Pay no attention to those who would want to distract you from GME and saying back to 20
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