Wage growth hasn't been corrected in the last 30 years. It has been extremely behind while the Corporations and Financial dummies are making record profits

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Hedge fund manager Cliff Asness is one of the best-known AMC bears.
Asness has an antagonistic relationship with AMC investors, recently calling them a "paranoid investing death cult."
In 2022, AMC short sellers have been winning — but shorting the stock involves high borrow fees. $AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$ $AMC Preferred Equity Unit (APE.US)$
Asness has an antagonistic relationship with AMC investors, recently calling them a "paranoid investing death cult."
In 2022, AMC short sellers have been winning — but shorting the stock involves high borrow fees. $AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$ $AMC Preferred Equity Unit (APE.US)$
$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$ $AMC Preferred Equity Unit (APE.US)$ AMC has change my approach to everything in life and this community and the DD have been there to reassure me in time of doubts.
I used to struggle with Anxiety, I’m never a person to take drugs so Xanax wasn’t an option for me, I don’t smoke either, but I used to drink a lot. Now I don’t anymore, I learned how to control it, just like how I control my urge to sell when AMC have ...
I used to struggle with Anxiety, I’m never a person to take drugs so Xanax wasn’t an option for me, I don’t smoke either, but I used to drink a lot. Now I don’t anymore, I learned how to control it, just like how I control my urge to sell when AMC have ...
$AMC Preferred Equity Unit(APE.US)$ Its crazy the amount of shit that has happened in the last two years with the financial markets and shortages and people still vote for this fucker...????.....
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90 calendar days or 90 trading days? $AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$
$AMC Preferred Equity Unit (APE.US)$
$AMC Preferred Equity Unit (APE.US)$
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$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$ Do you all realize that the people who run the WORLD ! NOT just the COUNTRY ! Will go from having influence over how the world operates to cleaning our toilets right after we just took a giant wet shit ! Overnight ? These politicians know we ain't gonna pay them to keep fuckin over people for our own selfish needs. And they will have to start ACTUALLY DOING THEIR JOB AND ONLY MAKING THE SALARY THEY AR...
$AMC Preferred Equity Unit(APE.US)$ who would of ever guessed a drop today lmao. Kenny is too dumb to win by the rules.
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$AMC Preferred Equity Unit (APE.US)$ They must think we're stupid....this shouldn't be trading in 1 bandwidth for 2 straight hours, up a penny, down a penny. I'm getting so sick of the manipulation.
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