$GameStop (GME.US)$
What is Rule 13F-2 and why is it important for #GME and #AMC - And why The U.S. Sovereign Wealth Fund is a Bad Idea and helps shortsellers avoid the squeeze. What happens now?
What is Rule 13F-2 and why is it important for #GME and #AMC - And why The U.S. Sovereign Wealth Fund is a Bad Idea and helps shortsellers avoid the squeeze. What happens now?

$GameStop (GME.US)$
SURPRISE surprise.
🚨 Squeeze Update – Donald Trump's appointed head of the SEC (Uyeda) Just Delayed 13F-2 by 1 YEAR 🚨
Shorts just got a massive gift—the SEC pushed 13F-2 short sale disclosures back to Feb 17, 2026.
❌ No transparency for another year
❌ Shorts can keep hiding in ETFs, swaps & dark pools
❌ AMC is at serious risk due to ongoing dilution & manipulation
This isn’t over. We shift focus to borrow rates, FTDs & liquidity stress.
They’re stalling because they’re tra...
SURPRISE surprise.
🚨 Squeeze Update – Donald Trump's appointed head of the SEC (Uyeda) Just Delayed 13F-2 by 1 YEAR 🚨
Shorts just got a massive gift—the SEC pushed 13F-2 short sale disclosures back to Feb 17, 2026.
❌ No transparency for another year
❌ Shorts can keep hiding in ETFs, swaps & dark pools
❌ AMC is at serious risk due to ongoing dilution & manipulation
This isn’t over. We shift focus to borrow rates, FTDs & liquidity stress.
They’re stalling because they’re tra...
$GameStop (GME.US)$ Rule 13f-2 was to take effect on January 02, 2025, market makers requesred that Rule 13f-2 be delayed up to 18 months. Hence Roaring Kitty's most recent Futurama themed meme. We can wait for ever. No matter how long it takes.


$GameStop (GME.US)$
If it takes forever I will wait for you
For a thousand summers I will wait for you
'Till you're back beside me, 'till I'm holding you
'Till I hear you sigh here in my arms
If it takes forever I will wait for you
For a thousand summers I will wait for you
'Till you're back beside me, 'till I'm holding you
'Till I hear you sigh here in my arms
$GameStop (GME.US)$ i like the stock.
$GameStop (GME.US)$ guys! I got my 500 shares under $27!! 5500 IN TOTAL!
$GameStop (GME.US)$ shit.. I just put in a huge buy order for $27 and missed it by pennies