Diamond hands and purchase more if there is a correction.
Great and fun promo from the Moomoo Team!
Overall a relatively strong month thanks to loading my portfolio with select commodities and Dividend paying stocks. #Moomoo
Truly thankful for a very exciting and insightful year with MooMoo. I learned a lot and it was fun to see my investments grow. Looking forward to setting and attaining new goals with MooMoo!
Continuing to invest in quality Companies and dollar cost averaging down on my share prices.
Solid strategy following the whales. Based upon the pain of putting fuel into my truck at the pump…. I will also continue to pursue Commodities and select defensive stocks.
Perhaps a prudent strategy especially focused for new investors is to follow ”Big Money” aka the top billionaires and invest firms. If they are holding onto cash…it makes sense to do the same. Similarly…be on the lookout for what stocks they are buying. With anything be sure to do your due diligence and research.
Makes sense with all of the stimulus checks. I will take some more thank you!
I believe that you can still prosper during a Bear market. Continuing to Average Down and also loading up on certain Commodities because interest rates will likely continue to rise at least for the near term.