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73079365 Private ID: 73079365
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    $Alibaba (BABA.US)$In the investment market, it's not about being smart and making a lot of money, but about choosing the right direction. In the past, many people became wealthy in the era of China's real estate, but it was only wealth accumulated under government bonuses. The era of real estate has come to an end. Now is the era of developing China's stock market. From the highest level of China's Central Political Bureau to the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, everyone has made it clear that developing China's stock market is crucial. This has already told us that this is the wealth creation dividend for the next decade; if you don't seize it well, you will truly deserve to be poor for a lifetime. If others prepare food, do you still expect them to feed you?
    I believe everyone has already seen the news. In addition to many policies supporting the stock market, companies are now required to guarantee loans, and can only invest in the stock market as a special project; this is the first time in history, very shocking! Recently, there have been comments about the possibility of a third world war outbreak, and the likelihood of war between China and the USA. A few days ago, China successfully and accurately launched an intercontinental missile, and it was done under the premise of informing the USA. Before the target was hit, the USA couldn't even intercept this missile, which is an older version, not the latest model. It is the first time in 44 years that China has launched an intercontinental missile. Many of you may not have been born then. In the days leading up to the launch, Russia had a failed launch, causing some European and American countries to doubt the military strength of Russia and China. The USA had a previous launch, but due to a deviation in the firing position, it exploded in mid-air. Currently, in the world, China is the only successful country that can accurately carry a nuclear warhead over such a long distance.
    1. Diversified investment reduces risk.
    - A basket of stocks: ETF tracks an index, such as the s&p 500 index, nasdaq 100 index, etc. Buying an ETF is equivalent to buying all the stocks included in the index, achieving diversified investment, and effectively reducing the risk of individual stocks.
    - Reduce the impact of individual stock volatility: Even if individual stocks in the index perform poorly, it will not have a significant impact on the overall performance of the ETF.
    2. Convenient trading with low costs
    - Trade like stocks: ETFs are listed and traded on exchanges, just like buying and selling stocks. You can buy or sell them at any time.
    - Low trading costs: Compared to traditional funds, ETFs generally have lower management fees and no purchase or redemption fees.
    3. High transparency
    - Clear constituents: Investors can clearly know which stocks the ETF tracks and their weights.
    - Information transparency: The net value and trading volume of the ETF are updated in real time, making it convenient for investors to monitor.
    4. A wide variety of options to meet diverse needs.
    - Theme ETF: In addition to ETFs that track broad-based indices, there are also many theme ETFs, such as technology ETFs, new energy ETFs, medical care ETFs, etc., which can meet investors' investment needs in different industries.
    - Leveraged and inverse ETFs: For investors with some investment experience, leveraged and inverse ETFs can provide more investment strategies.
    5. Suitable for...
    Low cost ETF is the way to go! Sometimes the most simple and boring way is the best
    If u refer to my moofolio, u can see I allocated quite a large % of it in $SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY.US)$ alongside $Advisorshares Trust Pure Us Cannabis Etf (MSOS.US)$ which had a whopping 470% gains!
    Ranking of gains:
    ②AI boom with Nvidia selling the golden shovel
    ③Meme stocks
    A single stock pick is incredibly hard to constantly ...
    Low cost ETF is the way to go! September P/L challenge #6 (200words count entry)
    Low cost ETF is the way to go! September P/L challenge #6 (200words count entry)
    Low cost ETF is the way to go! September P/L challenge #6 (200words count entry)
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    $Alibaba (BABA.US)$ jack ma please cone back
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    $Alibaba (BABA.US)$ beats eps, racking in billions in revenue and profits, yoy growth in fcf, yet people like 9027 are shit talking about baba because so many other irrational investors out there don't know that this is a ploy by market makers to shake out the weak hands. Once all the weak hands are shaken off, Alibaba will be back to its 100s range. Remember, in the short term, market is irrational and driven by emotions, in the long term, fundamentals still wins to build multi generational weal...
    $Alibaba (BABA.US)$Today, for the first time in my life, I bought something on PDD Holdings (Pinduoduo). It's called temu abroad. When I received the items after work today, it was really funny. The things I bought are really not up to par. They seem like defective products that didn't pass quality inspection. The shoes I bought don't fit, and some of the jewelry, which looked great in the photos, turned out to be full of plastic. I suddenly realized that recently. $PDD Holdings (PDD.US)$The stocks are really doing well. The things on PDD Holdings (Pinduoduo) are really cheap, but the quality is very poor. When chatting with my friends in China, they made fun of me and said that the quality on PDD Holdings (Pinduoduo) is too bad and I shouldn't buy from there anymore. If I want to buy, I should buy from Taobao or Tmall. This is my first dissatisfactory shopping experience on PDD Holdings (Pinduoduo). Lower prices are indeed a competitive advantage. Many foreigners are attracted to the cheap prices and keep buying. But I believe that when a person reaches a certain level of shopping, they will care about the quality of a product. Quality over quantity. With the increasing popularity of temu abroad, there are ads on TikTok and YouTube, and more people are buying. I'm really afraid that those foreigners will say, "You see, products made in China are of low quality." I still hope that China, the world's factory, can produce products with improved quality. In this regard, I think Taobao and Tmall are much better than PDD Holdings (Pinduoduo). Of course, everyone has different spending habits. Ensuring the quality of a product is the key to gaining many repeat customers and maintaining long-term operation.