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73373906 Private ID: 73373906
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    73373906 commented on
    $Advanced Micro Devices(AMD.US)$ Bought some at 151, reason: fell near MA200.
    $Tesla(TSLA.US)$ Bought some at 237, reason: I added positions around 235 as planned.
    I didn't buy much. Buy in batches, then drop and buy again.
    They sold some small plates of garbage, and after two days, profits went back up, and some even lost some money. It was really uninteresting. However, I didn't expect this garbage to make any money; I just played around, and the positions were very small. You still have to play the big market to trade stocks. Unless there is another zero-interest rate spill, the chances are minimal.
    73373906 liked and commented on
    $Advanced Micro Devices(AMD.US)$
    Yesterday, one jumped low and plummeted all the way. The bald head was barefoot and had a big dark line. They didn't give them a chance to jump at all; they just rolled over
    The previous upward trend is gone. Currently, I think it will be centered around 162, and the sideways arrangement will probably be between 155-170. This is an estimate; it's not very accurate, but that's probably what it means. The consolidation trend is likely to continue until the financial report, and then choose the direction again.
    Of course, it is possible that the consolidation will continue after the financial report. For example, the performance is mediocre and in line with expectations, but the stock price has already fallen ahead of schedule, so the consolidation will continue. However, the lower 200-day average is approaching this position, which will provide more support.
    The price of this horizontal arrangement is not cheap, but it's not that expensive either. It still depends on performance and forward-looking guidance to determine the next trend.
    My choice: mainly wait and see. If it reaches around 170, they may consider switching positions to other stocks if there is a better chance.
    As for Biden's so-called export ban, I think it's just an emotional panic. Everyone can be smuggled, let alone a chip? Unless the chip works like software, you must log in to an account on the Internet before you can use it, that's another story. But I don't think it's possible.
    This wave of decline. If it were more intense, I would see it as an opportunity for AI chips to break the bottom.
    It was fine in the morning, why did it suddenly fall This is a mass sell-off of large-cap stocks
    Exactly, after falling again, falling close to 230, I'm ready to start increasing my TSLA positions.
    As for NVDA, I only bought it back a little bit after clearing the stock before, and there are no plans to increase the inventory for the time being
    $Advanced Micro Devices(AMD.US)$ It's not a big cap stock; it's also taken to the ditch I plan to wait and see; after all, there is no fall stop loss position. If it falls below the key position and the stop loss is not too late, you can consider switching to TSLA at that time.
    Market logic may be about to begin to change abruptly. Bad news about the economy no longer favors the stock market; on the contrary, it raises concerns about a recession. If that were the case, the bond market would return to a bullish market.
    Needless to say, the impact of the recession on AI chips should be limited. After all, there are two types of companies that mainly invest in AI chips: tech giants that don't make much money, and small start-ups that actually benefit during the recession (because employees won't switch jobs easily, and big water releases are coming soon)
    Maybe it's time to get back on with that classic 6/4 stock bond combination?
    73373906 liked and commented on
    I made a new plan for the next TSLA deal based on my own perception of autonomous driving.
    In a nutshell, just four sentences:
    Stock up on bargains, just buy or not sell. Raise funds in batches and hold them for a long time.
    When short-term speculators hand over their chips, it is an opportunity for long-term investors to get on the bus.
    This is because I currently have very few TSLA positions, and my main positions are $Advanced Micro Devices(AMD.US)$ , so I'm just going to keep buying TSLA later.
    I would like TSLA's trend the most: to sort out around 230 for a period of time, such as fluctuating between 200-260, preferably for a few weeks, and then accumulate energy to rise. This is a breakout, reversal, and take-off at the weekly level. The reason the emphasis is on the weekly line is because autonomous driving is a long-term outlet, and once it starts, it will last at least a year or more. If autonomous driving is fully implemented, TSLA will become the next giant to reach 3 trillion dollars. With a stock price of thousands, it is also possible to split it by 10.
    The premise is that there is no economic crisis. If I wanted to hedge against the risk of an economic crisis, I would choose to hold long-term treasury bonds or investment-grade corporate bonds.
    I'm 60% sure that autonomous driving will be the next frontier, so if I make a mistake, I'll make a new plan.
    Baidu, a garbage company, has been garbage for so many years, and this time it has finally done something meaningful. To develop science and technology, you must dare to be the first and do what others are afraid to do. If you succeed, you are a well-deserved hero; if you fail, you will at least be remembered as a martyr
    In the short term, the stock price will at least make up for the above gap and rise to around 109. Then there may be a pullback due to some negative news. For example, someone deliberately vandalized a car, or hit someone seriously or even more seriously (probably a pedestrian violates traffic rules). As long as it's not a radish that violates traffic regulations, it's a short-term disadvantage and long-term benefit.
    As for the fact that many people are underestimating the Chinese economy, what can you say? As the saying goes, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Baidu is compared to Google in China, yet Baidu's market capitalization is less than 20% of Maotai's. May I ask which traditional industry in the US can match $Alphabet-C(GOOG.US)$ What about market value? If one day, the market value of technology companies like Baidu can exceed the sum of the market value of tobacco and alcohol companies whose waste causes cancer, then I will acknowledge that China has officially become a science and technology powerhouse.
    We have already entered the 21st century. Developing technology and improving productivity is the only truth.
    73373906 liked and commented on
    $Advanced Micro Devices(AMD.US)$
    It was only heavy yesterday; today it has soared. I must give Mom Su a thumbs up 👍
    Keep up the good work, rush to 200, and strive for a new high
    73373906 liked and commented on
    220. This is actually a pressure from an earlier downtrend line. Let's take a look today to see if the stock price breaks through in a straight line, or if it is blocked, move higher and lower.
    If it is blocked and falls back, it is actually beneficial for subsequent increases. After all, it has already been overbought in the short term, and needs to be repaired. After stepping back, it will continue to rise even higher. I'm waiting for this chance to step back in the car.
    About the plan to buy back at a later time
    73373906 commented on
    This delivery data is pretty good. Although this 5% increase was missed before the market, it doesn't matter. Accepting a gap is also part of my plan. It's impossible for a person to earn every penny. If you are afraid of falling, you have to take the risk of missing out on the rise.
    Actually, how do you say it? It's not so much about waiting for TSLA's delivery data, as about waiting for the market's reaction to the delivery data. I've always had an opinion: data is data, interpretation is interpretation. Market interpretation is more important than data.
    The current data is positive. If there are no surprises, there should be no negative interpretations in the market. Therefore, my latest plan is to buy back TSLA positions at the right time and temporarily bullish to the high of the previous band, around 260.
    It's been a while since I posted. Previously sold $NVIDIA(NVDA.US)$ , bought $Tesla(TSLA.US)$ After that, I went on vacation and only came back yesterday. A trip to the wrong peak, deliberately avoiding the peak of an American holiday. I hate the feeling of being overcrowded when traveling, so I choose to travel at the wrong peak every time.
    It was cleared this morning $Tesla(TSLA.US)$ . There were about 206, and they didn't sell at the highest point, but I entered 180, and the position was very heavy. I have already earned more than 10% during my vacation. In addition, the data will be released tomorrow. Today, I will choose to settle in the bag and wait and see. If tomorrow's data is poor, leading to a decline, I may just make up my position again. If the data is good, I'll be open to emptying it. TSLA is currently overbought and is unlikely to last; there is always a chance for a pullback.
    There are two more actions today:
    1. Admission to Shigekura $UnitedHealth(UNH.US)$ . The volume surpassed the critical position of 500 last week, a critical fluctuation I've been waiting for. As long as it does not fall below Friday's low of 489, the basic judgment is that UNH will break out of the turmoil and return to the upward trend. I stepped back today and just got on the bus.
    2. Sell almost every other semiconductor stock and bottom a small amount $NVIDIA(NVDA.US)$ . Previously, 130-140 cleared all NVDA positions, and today I saw that it was below 120, so I bought some back. Currently I only hold...