$XAU/USD (XAUUSD.CFD)$ The uptrend is intact. This telegram alert from AIworker was in place to catch the trend. Was in and out within a day.

The dotted pink line seems to be headed in same direction of premarket. Tool from https://aiworker.sg
The dotted pink line seems to be headed in same direction of premarket. Tool from https://aiworker.sg

The 24th Oct signal allowed us to take the meat of the runup. Get this tool from AIworker.sg

$DBS (D05.SG)$
Beautiful buy signals from the aiworker.sg tool. We are in a bull market.
Beautiful buy signals from the aiworker.sg tool. We are in a bull market.

$BABA-W (09988.HK)$
chart showing downtrend from the tool from aiworker.sg
chart showing downtrend from the tool from aiworker.sg

$Apple (AAPL.US)$ you need to ask yourself these questions:
1. Are you smarter than him?
2. Do you have more resources than him?
3. Are you richer than him?
4. Can you move markets?
if all your answers are no, then it should be quite obvious right?
1. Are you smarter than him?
2. Do you have more resources than him?
3. Are you richer than him?
4. Can you move markets?
if all your answers are no, then it should be quite obvious right?