$GameStop (GME.US)$ sixth time today ???
$GameStop (GME.US)$ ridiculous AFFFFFFFFFF
$GameStop (GME.US)$ see my name and u know why I sell all my other stocks and all in gme! let’s go apes!
$GameStop (GME.US)$ This is not a financial advice.
Rightnow retail investors could have access to know the real data of short position because they don’t want you to know. The trading volune among this week was so low, this is a clear evidence we all see. thinking about the reason behind it. I personally think that short position is unabated but increasing comparing last week. however if it goes down tomorrow which is on Friday, i assume the similar scenario happended last week will replay. So I will hold.( I hold 4 shares @avg 220. ) Again, this is not a financial advice, plz do your own research . AND ONLY INVEST WITH THE MONEY THAT YOU ARE WILLING TO LOSE .
Rightnow retail investors could have access to know the real data of short position because they don’t want you to know. The trading volune among this week was so low, this is a clear evidence we all see. thinking about the reason behind it. I personally think that short position is unabated but increasing comparing last week. however if it goes down tomorrow which is on Friday, i assume the similar scenario happended last week will replay. So I will hold.( I hold 4 shares @avg 220. ) Again, this is not a financial advice, plz do your own research . AND ONLY INVEST WITH THE MONEY THAT YOU ARE WILLING TO LOSE .
$GameStop (GME.US)$ GME is still in the play as long as we all HOLD together! Trust me apes.