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Android信者 Male ID: 181148353
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    In the end, I sold half of my long-held nvidia shares at 127, but ended up buying back at 120 the next day.
    Afterwards, I made an additional purchase at 113 yen in a unexpected market crash.
    The next day, it fell even further to 106 yen.
    I couldn't believe that I became even more dependent on Nvidia and couldn't break away 😇😇😇😇😇
    I bought at $106 and sold at $110. Then I bought again at $112 and sold at $114... I don't want to be fooled anymore by these experts recommending short selling.I paid for two UFO onigiri in fees!
    Since July, when stock market volatility began to increase, the pharmaceutical sector, which is considered defensive, has shown strength.The pharmaceutical sector is strongly included..TOPIX(東証株価指数)は7月11日に高値を付けて以降、米景気懸念からの売りや8月初頭の暴落を経て現在(30日)までに7%下落した。一方、TOPIXをセクター別にした医薬品指数は4%上昇し、さらに上値を追っている。7月まで好調だった半導体関連銘柄を多く含む機械指数(14%下落)、銀行業指数(13%下落)に比べても大きくアウトパフォームスイス製薬大手ロシュ傘下の医薬品大手。抗体・バイオで先行している。抗がん剤に強み。血友病薬「ヘムライブラ」が欧州を軸に成長。中外製薬は医薬品株に対する投資人気は少なくとも半年程度は続きそうだと予想に経口の肥満症薬候補「オルフォルグリプロン」の権利を譲渡
    Pharmaceutical index (yellow line) has outperformed TOPIX (white line) and machinery index (blue) since mid-July.
    $NVIDIA (NVDA.US)$ On August 28th, Nvidia is scheduled to announce its earnings for the second quarter of fiscal year 2025 after the closing of the U.S. stock market (morning of August 29th Japan time).On August 28thAfter the closing of the U.S. stock market on August 28th (morning of August 29th Japan time)for the second quarter of fiscal year 2025In the semiconductor industry for artificial intelligence (AI), while maintaining a dominant positionCan they exceed market expectations and demonstrate impressive growth and performance?Please predict and vote on the closing price of Nvidia on the next business day after the earnings announcement!
    ● Distribute 10,000 points equally
    Until 10pm on August 29th (Japan time),Please predict the closing price of Nvidia on August 29th (5 a.m. Japan time on the 30th) and choose from the following price ranges.If the actual closing price matches the price range you voted for, points will be distributed equally to all users who voted for that price range (e.g. if 50 users hit the mark, each will receive 200 points!).
    【Special Challenge! Win a 500 yen Amazon gift card】
    Predict the closing price of Nvidia and have a chance to win additional bonuses!
    Until 10pm on August 29th (Japan time)Please predict the closing price on August 29thAccording to recent financial estimates, Nvidia is planning to announce its earnings for the second quarter of fiscal year 2025 after the closing of the U.S. stock market on August 28th (morning of August 29th Japan time). They have been maintaining a dominant position in the semiconductor industry for artificial intelligence (AI), and the market is expecting them to deliver impressive growth and strong performance.
    Get special benefits by predicting the closing price of nvidia after the financial results.
    Get special benefits by predicting the closing price of nvidia after the financial results.
    Android信者 commented on
    🔸 NVIDIA is expected to continue growing throughout 2025
    🔸 However, the growth rate is expected to slow steadily
    🔸 There's no way you can grow twice as much in the game, so it's a matter of course
    🔸 If you think about it the other way around, there is still a possibility that it will stick by holding during 2025
    Revenue growth forecast for #エヌビディア (#NVDA) according to #HSBC
    At the moment, $NVIDIA (NVDA.US)$ It has an advantage in terms of profit conditions and transactions with AI companies, but which company's products do you think are superior in the long run?
    What's the reason for that?
    Android信者 reacted to
    Looking at 4-7 exports from Taiwan to the US, financial results are careful
    radiko | Listen to the radio on the internet
    Android信者 Set a live reminder
    $NVIDIA (NVDA.US)$ A financial results briefing for the 2nd quarter of fiscal year 2025 is scheduled to be held at 6:00 a.m. on 2024/8/29 (Thursday) Japan time. This briefing sessionIt will be distributed in subtitle translation format. If you would like to watch it,“reservation”Click on the button.
    ◆ Precautions
    The content of this live show is provided by a subtitle translation service for customer convenience. Subtitles are generated using Microsoft Azure (Microsoft Azure) and Amazon Translate (Amazon Translate). No warranty of any kind, express or implied, is made with respect to the accuracy, reliability, or accuracy of English to Japanese machine translations. If damage is suffered due to translated content, we are not responsible for such damage. Please keep this in mind when watching.
    Nvidia Q2 Earnings Call for Fiscal Year 2025 (subtitled translation)
    Aug 28 16:00