this is cool and lots of fun! I'm not qualified yet, but I hope to qualify before the event ends
nice! good luck everyone
I think it would be amazing if moomoo would get in line with Robinhood and have smaller overall fees on option trading!
I've been setback multiple times on my journey but reach time had taught me a new lesson to avoid the mistake and be able to continue to grow my money. one of the best things I learned is ensuring that I don't have too much money in any one investment.
I am glad that the government gives tax breaks for social responsibility, but unfortunately not all donations are equal and many just end up back in the pockets of the rich. I think it's important to weed out the companies that are just doing it for the tax breaks but actually keeping the money themselves from those that actually help the world with their money. Overall I think ensuring more companies donate back to society is of utmost importance
I feel that the airpods refresh and the new iPhone 14 lineup was a bit disappointing. I believe their base lineup will not sell well this year, but their pro line up will sell amazingly! The watch was a cool new addition. I wonder how many will buy the new watch ultra. I believe that they will have a slight low in sales this year as a result so this year will not be the best year for apple.
SAR gives a general trend and can help find the correct time of entry to catch a big wave of movement