miss you guys the last couple days of excitement brought me back from the dead.
$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$
$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$
Where do I start. So there are these Blackrock "funds" who reduce portfolio volatility by selling calls on their underlying security. I imagine they teamed up with a similar "fund" from Vanguard. People from r/WSB love buying out of the money calls. The option market has tripled in the last couple years. Sure these guys realized how much money could be exploited from retail by taking advantage of the insane hype surrounding the little guy vs big guy story. So there's smart ape and dumb ape. Smart ape has very basic understanding of calls knowing one simple fact: more banana. Dumb ape likes bananas too and smart ape loves teaching it to others. Process of enabling options on Robinhood is easy as using Facebook. At first to ape brain it feels like cheat code to making money because so many of us believe we can predict when a stock will rise before we've had failure. All these variables create very nice money printer. No brainer for these two to work together. Wonder if that's why they increased their positions by 53% and 58% while already being two biggest share holders in company during the first week of February. Can't imagine these two would increase positions like this to take on the risk involved in performing squeeze play....
I'm always coming back only to be disappointed. Thing is... I'm in love with this one. Sure I'll be holding her in my arms again soon. I'll try to move on.. Met this girl a couple days ago who shares a name with that famous female pilot who flew across the Atlantic. Maybe I finally learned and found a good one??
Point of this post is...HOLD THE LINE SQUEEZE IS NEXT WEEK.
$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$
Point of this post is...HOLD THE LINE SQUEEZE IS NEXT WEEK.
$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$
I was so good at being a retard that you dudes thought I was one of you.....
Can we go 12 maybe tomorrow so I can make my money back on my 3/5 calls. Come on give it just a little pump for the guy that had you guessing it was one of your co-workers.
Rich dad poor dad book picture really added to my credibility...LOL..
Can we go 12 maybe tomorrow so I can make my money back on my 3/5 calls. Come on give it just a little pump for the guy that had you guessing it was one of your co-workers.
Rich dad poor dad book picture really added to my credibility...LOL..
Last night they were straight up deleting my posts. Now they leave them in feed to where I can only see. 5 views while posts above and below have 1000+. Biffuh :Proof RKT was distraction.https://moo.moomoo.com/nnq/hdetail?id=105822595710981
By the way sorry for bashing your boy Tupack. I was wrong.
By the way sorry for bashing your boy Tupack. I was wrong.
Gratz to those who got in and out quick on RKT. However, on RKT look at the 3/5 call option volume and compare it to the open interest. The highest call at 37 has well over 100k volume...which is stupid high for options.. and ZERO OPEN INTEREST...this means not one option traded in that super high volume exists anymore. My guess is they coordinated with some other institution and exercised these calls as it went up. Since 37 was the highest they loaded up. By the time it was reaching 40 plus the hype brought it higher. It's not real folks.
AMC is squeezing tomorrow. Gradual uptick last couple hours in AH. If it trades flat could be because volume is painfully low. MMs will margin call them as of now (530pm) they must close positions but can only do so if there are shares to buy. ...
AMC is squeezing tomorrow. Gradual uptick last couple hours in AH. If it trades flat could be because volume is painfully low. MMs will margin call them as of now (530pm) they must close positions but can only do so if there are shares to buy. ...