$Singtel (Z74.SG)$ when everyone starting to go back wfh and dining person restrict to 2 person per table, telco services always needed in this era especially worldwide pandemic
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The COVID-19 Pandemic has awaked the video streaming market. According to Grand View Research, Southeast Asia will become a major webcasting market, with the market size increase to $19 billion in 2023 from $ 6 billion last year. Moreover, the size of Singapore's streaming market tends to triple in 2 years, from $400 million to $1.27 billion.
This trend is expected to generate a bunch of investing chances. Specifically, the growing Gross Merchandise Value (GMV), the increasing online retailers, and the boosted frequency of purchases are three main drivers, to promote the penetration of e-commerce, video conference, cloud-based solutions, and even AI & blockchains.
What's your thought on Singapore's video streaming market? Did it affect your life? Is there any trade idea that hits the bell?
Make sure to click "Enter Now", and post before Sep 23 to win 88 points! (more than 20 words to qualify)
This trend is expected to generate a bunch of investing chances. Specifically, the growing Gross Merchandise Value (GMV), the increasing online retailers, and the boosted frequency of purchases are three main drivers, to promote the penetration of e-commerce, video conference, cloud-based solutions, and even AI & blockchains.
What's your thought on Singapore's video streaming market? Did it affect your life? Is there any trade idea that hits the bell?
Make sure to click "Enter Now", and post before Sep 23 to win 88 points! (more than 20 words to qualify)