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borrito bean Male ID: 70922122
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    I very much think investing in the 💚 green revolution will save companies and customers money 💰 in the mid to long term if done right. grrenwashing like blue carbon or wishcycling does more harm then good.
    I recently noticed the 🏦 banking and 🏠 housing sector start to incorporate data on this to customers. if you go on redfin or then they have 💦 flood and 🚒 predictor scores. I'm in the market to buy a new home and will only buy it in a low floo...
    One of the most successful long term investors held and didn't try to time the market. infact he talks against that.
    For your high conviction plays and you are a long term investor you can continue to monitor the business. For Peter Lynch 🌮 Taco Bell 🔔 fell over 75% in the short term. He started his position in the $7's and it dropped to $1's. He bought the dip because he really believed it was a strong money making business and in 6 years the stock price explode...
    2021 is my first year trading stocks; my gains were short lived with Macy's at a 52% realized gain. I was hooked. I unfortunately learned a costly freshman lesson on riskier growth stocks, buying into companies I don't understand, and portfolio balancing. After February my losses kept me negative overall. September briefly showed hope as I got within 4% to break even, and now I'm down 38% overall which is the largest to date. some of my biggest failed trades are FTFT, AVPT, ZOM, BNGO and OLMA. AVPT and GNOG are also my biggest weighted positions at over 20%. I recently sold AVPT at a 50% realized loss and bought into $Airbnb (ABNB.US)$ ABNB and some Intel. I use both and understand them. I feel more comfortable riding the volatility  over the next several years with these two instead.  I look forward to rebalancing my portfolio in 2022 and being more conservative with my future  investments. I also hope to figure out how to evaluate a company instead of relying on YouTubers.
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