love the little surprise my son gave me even though he just started earning some cash from his part time job that doesn't pay much it is the thought and heart behind the gift, it's my first gift from him
a care is nice to have if it is an appreciating asset like a watch or house, unfortunately in 101% of the time it isn't, so for me I will only get it unless really necessary
of cos it is to maximize by using the ones that are either on a Fri or Mon and extend it with a few more days, hope to go on more nearby trips where there is also good exchange rate
I also can lead a financial stress free life
mooving from strength to strength! I like how moomoo continues to I notate and in the process not forgetting their community and always making the experience better! can't wait for next anniversary landmark
happy with my slow and steady wins, nothing to shout or boast about but at least it is green from mostly the funds! wohoo feels good and all the best to everyone else!