$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$
I made this becouse it scares me, also I am old, so maybe I am paranoid
I made this becouse it scares me, also I am old, so maybe I am paranoid

$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$
Sargasso Sea stock Market run by Machines Demoralzing 10 cent Graphs
cought in sea weed and mire with no decernable currents or wind as bad as the worst stormy sea's
a sailer's nightmare. Headge Fund tactics, they controle the weather in this ocean now, bringing us out with a low tide and no decernable horizon socialistic controle of the currency, a shame, a powerful shame!
Sargasso Sea stock Market run by Machines Demoralzing 10 cent Graphs
cought in sea weed and mire with no decernable currents or wind as bad as the worst stormy sea's
a sailer's nightmare. Headge Fund tactics, they controle the weather in this ocean now, bringing us out with a low tide and no decernable horizon socialistic controle of the currency, a shame, a powerful shame!
$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$
even if it seems impossable with a small investment at first we can improve our port and then use stock to gain more stock and DCA our position at the same time
even if it seems impossable with a small investment at first we can improve our port and then use stock to gain more stock and DCA our position at the same time

$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$
And they made money, whene a stock is over valued and then some kind of crunch comes, then comes the Boo Hooin. under valued stocks are safer even if under pressure, a 30 or 40 cent correction is always better than ten dollars, percentage wise they may be close Boo Hooin wise no contest AMC, a safer stock
And they made money, whene a stock is over valued and then some kind of crunch comes, then comes the Boo Hooin. under valued stocks are safer even if under pressure, a 30 or 40 cent correction is always better than ten dollars, percentage wise they may be close Boo Hooin wise no contest AMC, a safer stock
$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$
to execs, so this is a public co. we the share holders are the bosses, lol, employees sell their shares, stock price goes down, our money, they work for us so we pay them by incuring a deminished stock price.
Is that how it works?
to execs, so this is a public co. we the share holders are the bosses, lol, employees sell their shares, stock price goes down, our money, they work for us so we pay them by incuring a deminished stock price.
Is that how it works?

Cashcauterize OP : with 10.000 shares everytime it goes up 1 penny you make $100.00 or 5000 shares for 50 dollar pops.
Cashcauterize OP Trwils1230 : I know that, thnx though amigo, for your concerne
made money today will scalp all I can, till its OTC.