$Biora Therapeutics (PROG.US)$ let's break those walls and scare the shit out the the HFs! NFA!
$Biora Therapeutics (PROG.US)$ buy and hold till the short covers!!!
$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$ it's part of the dip for the rip. Shorts have not cover, buy the dip if you can and HODL till it squeeze!
$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$
if I'm not worrying, so do you. HODL till the moon!
if I'm not worrying, so do you. HODL till the moon!

$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$ Nothing else to say. Hold and buy during dip if you can. Trust the DD and process. It cost us Nothing to hold. I repeat, absolutely nothing. You lose when you sell and that's what the HF wants to achieve by playing with your mind using psychological ways by manipulating the price up and down .HOLD to the moon!
$Torchlight Energy Resources Inc (TRCH.US)$ it's a pump and dump strategy by hedge fund to divert attention from AMC and GME ... please researching before you invest guys. learn to exit HF strategy.
$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$ we're doing good APES!!! the hedgies are trying so hard to bring us down but we ain't selling shit you bloody hedgies! Buy and HODL to bleed them out totally!!!!
$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$Buy and HODL on the discount peeps! Don't listen to the FUD! do your DD, research about what is really going on!!! the real gold is in AMC!!!! gogo my apes!