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Chuan Zhao Male ID: 23530165
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    $Hang Seng Index(800000.HK)$
    $Occidental Petroleum(OXY.US)$ 
    I've talked about this before, but I'm nagging about it today. I used to buy mindlessly according to the video blogger's point and then follow the video's point of mindless sales. And I've watched more than one vlogger. The stocks I bought were basically about the same as index funds. My experience was losing money. I don't know if the judges who operate this way have made any money. If they make money, you also approve of this practice, then just stick with it. Maybe this is your trading plan.
    However, after reflecting, I found that I had no time to read so many tickets, and it was impossible to know the bloggers' actions the first time. So I can't do this method of copying my homework.
    After I met Langwang, I began to try to learn trading techniques and try to make my own plans and trade through what I had learned. Although most of the time his position is an important reference or even my only answer. But I'm still trying to stick to my own plan and trade.
    If you take a close look at Langwang's video description section and channel homepage, you'll find that Langwang's channel settings are very careful. Please try it. Why did Langwang put the latest videos at the bottom of the homepage instead of like many bloggers...
    When you lose money after buying a stock, I personally think most of this depends on your confidence in holding the stock. There are only a few sources of so-called confidence, such as:
    1. Perception of the fundamentals of stocks
    2. Inferences from technical analysis
    3. Or keep holding it because a friend around you holds it
    4. I heard that the stock price could triple
    5. The ratings given by stock analysts are optimistic about this stock and think they are generally not wrong
    6. Because of recommendations from financial bloggers
    7. Judging by my instincts, the company's performance is very good and will be ready for the future
    If you hold any of the above confidently manipulated stocks, you will definitely be swayed by them. Furthermore, these so-called sources of confidence also influence whether we can make correct and rational judgments about the stocks we invest in, so we choose targets rationally, and make rational wins and stop losses. I think some of these so-called sources of confidence can be learned from, and others must be thought about; no one can blindly follow one another. If you want to be able to follow along without blindly, you still need to improve your ability to make judgments about the market. There are many ways to improve, learn on your own, and find the right mentor for you to follow. I've always been interested in technical analysis of stocks, so I chose technical analysis to increase my confidence in holding shares. Almost a year ago, I had the privilege of learning a purely technical analysis method from the blogger Wolf King Finance in a video, benefiting...
    Where does your confidence in holding shares come from?
    $Occidental Petroleum(OXY.US)$ 
    Recently, the market is becoming more and more difficult to control, and I don't know whether to go short or go long. Either they can't keep up with the pace of the market, or they're frustrated that they can't get out of it, or FOMO is catching up with the duvet. I don't know the reason why I should do it. After careful thought, I still haven't established an operation strategy that suits me. There are various operating strategies, and what is right for others may not be right for you. I personally think that either left-hand trading or right-side trading is the main one. Just set your own trading strategy and execute it according to the strategy. If left-hand trading is the main focus, wait patiently for lows and opportunities. In actual operation, when judgments are inaccurate, strict implementation of stop-loss can reduce losses. However, if you mainly trade on the right side, don't worry about going short for a while, and wait until the trend is clear before operating. Regardless of the method, there is no such thing as right or wrong. The most important thing is to practice and operate in whichever way suits you. Operation without a trading strategy is easy to be punched in the face by the market. I think I'm still a stock market nob, and I have a lot to learn. My method of learning is to find videos that suit my trading style, which also allowed me to find the right mentors for me to follow. Recently, I've been following his Reading Notes channel to learn the interpretation of Wall Street stock master Jesse Livermore's legendary experience in the stock market, benefiting...
    Stock trading strategies
    $FULU HOLDINGS(02101.HK)$ 
    This question has been discussed many times. What is my role in the marketplace? Value investor or trader? Everyone can have a different role. Just like everyone can have several stock accounts. Just do what's right for your character. But be sure to be careful and don't screw it off. It's like a comment in a comment. I think they clearly confused their characters and wrote their comments after coming back to the perspective of God.
    Let me first talk about my first thoughts after seeing the reviews. I'm not disappointed; I'm affirming myself. I am very happy that I have not been interrupted by the market. I have stuck to my trading plan, that is, I have not opened a position until the opening range on the left. Chasing breakthroughs is something I don't want to do in the current environment. So I haven't touched Tesla at all.
    No matter what type of role you are in, make your own trading plan before you trade. Then try to abide by it. This is a big rule. There is no such principle. If you hear someone say buy today, buy it; if you hear someone say sell tomorrow, sell it. Unless this person is God, if this is the case for a long time, and if I don't lose money, I'd be happy to see why? When it comes to people who complain, I don't want to argue with them, and I don't want to try to make them understand my point of view. I just wanted to use this example...
    Rethink your position in the market
    Chuan Zhao liked and commented on
    $iShares China Large-Cap ETF(FXI.US)$
    $Occidental Petroleum(OXY.US)$ 
    When they see a rise in stock, they want to catch up; when they see a decline, they panic; or they buy it after listening to a recommendation from a friend or Big V, and have made a happy profit, but have lost money because they are frustrated but don't know why. I'm sure many of you have experienced this. Greed and fear are human instincts. It is said that the hardest thing about investing is to overcome human nature. If you want to maintain a good mindset, you can't just rely on strong and excellent psychological qualities to fight against human weaknesses; you also need to have a perfect trading system of your own. So how do you do that?
    1. First, you need to understand your investment style
    1. Appropriate investment cycle. Are you good at short-term investments or long-term investments?
    2. Type of investment. What is the expected return and the maximum acceptable loss, conservative, or aggressive?
    3. Investment preferences. Are there any industries or fields you are familiar with; and when selecting specific stocks, do you refer to fundamentals or technical aspects?
    Understanding these issues can better help us build a trading system that matches our own style
    2. Establishing a trading system means that you should understand these issues before buying stocks, including:
    1. Why buy it? What is the basis and criteria for selection? (Select target)...
    Chuan Zhao liked and commented on
    $Invesco QQQ Trust(QQQ.US)$
    $NIO Inc(NIO.US)$ 
    The market continued to rise today after a slight adjustment yesterday, and all major indices rose across the board today. Take QQQ as an example. Since it rebounded from 317 points to 359.65, it has received six positive lines, and is close to its strongest pressure level of 360-365. After the market reaches this point, many shorters will participate in shorting after all, so in this position, we must pay attention to protecting profits, gradually reducing positions, and locking in profits. Judging from the current closing position, I feel that it should be inappropriate to aggressively go long, don't go short; simply stop and don't operate. At the same time, we still need to calm down and learn stock knowledge well. I'm still concentrating on following my mentor's reading notes and videos to learn about the legendary experiences of Wall Street stock guru Jesse Livermore to improve my judgment and technical analysis skills. If you are interested in reading books, you can search the internet for Jesse Livermore's financial reading notes. I believe you will also gain quite a bit. Maybe I'll be able to find a mentor to follow!
    Has the market reached a pressure level after rebounding?
    Chuan Zhao liked and commented on
    $iShares China Large-Cap ETF(FXI.US)$
    $Direxion Daily FTSE China Bull 3X Shares ETF(YINN.US)$ 
    $NIO Inc(NIO.US)$ 
    After a slight rebound yesterday, the China Securities Market jumped high and rose sharply today, making it a dazzling star stock in today's market. Today, FXI is up 21%, and YINN is up 64%. Seeing this kind of increase, many people wonder, is this a reversal in the market? If so, if we don't catch up now, wouldn't we miss out on a perfect surge opportunity? How can you tolerate being tormented by this fear of missed deals? In fact, calm down and think about issues such as whether to chase, how to chase, what are the risks of chasing, etc., you still have to set your mind, analyze them carefully, and then make a decision. Instead of blindly following up and going long just by watching the market rise. Judging from the fact that Tencent and the Hang Seng Index have now fallen below their strongest long-term support, the current rise in China Securities should be a rebound rather than a reversal. Therefore, since the opening of the market today, according to the plan, FXI and YINN have been reduced in batches as they have rebounded. The reason is that although FXI recently broke through the GMMA 2-hour pressure range, it is still in a downward trend, and its strongest pressure level is around 37. I have personally experienced that in the process of rising stocks, we gradually reduce our positions, in fact...
    Should we catch up with stock exchanges?
    Chuan Zhao liked and commented on
    $iShares China Large-Cap ETF(FXI.US)$ $Direxion Daily FTSE China Bull 3X Shares ETF(YINN.US)$  $Tencent(TCEHY.US)$  $S&P 500 Index(.SPX.US)$ 
    Recently, Chinese stocks have entered a state of overfall, drawing a line for FXI with Wolf God GMMA. From the monthly line level, the next support level may be in the range of 26.2-27.8. After entering this range as scheduled on Monday, the small positions were laid out a few hands. It rebounded as scheduled on Tuesday and the market is expected on Wednesday, but it is important to remember that it is only a rebound, not a reversal! For the Chinese stocks in hand, every rebound at this time is either an opportunity to escape or an opportunity to stop making a profit.
    Why would you say that? You can also see from Tencent's weekly GMMA that Tencent has never fallen below the support of the GMMA weekly long-term moving average group since August 2004, but now it does fall below the support of the weekly GMMA long-term moving average group. What does this mean? This shows that Tencent has fallen below the trend of nearly 20 years! In this case, do not have any illusions that China-listed stocks will soon return to the upward trend, so there will be a rebound, but not a reversal. If I enter the market on the left, I will only suck on bargain and sell on sale.
    It is not easy for the stock market to do this year, the trend of the bull market has fallen below, and it is not clear whether the bear market will come. Me.
    Chinese stocks rebounded, stop the profit or copy the bottom?
    Chinese stocks rebounded, stop the profit or copy the bottom?
    Chuan Zhao liked and commented on
    $Occidental Petroleum(OXY.US)$ 
    $Lockheed Martin(LMT.US)$ 
    The major market indices rebounded as scheduled yesterday. Is it time to follow up and go long? The answer is probably not yet. From the perspective of Japanese K-line technical analysis, all major indices are in a downward trend, and the upward pressure to rebound is also strong, so it is not suitable to aggressively go long. The market has been unstable recently, and I haven't taken any action. However, I was able to actually operate blindly, thanks to the experience of following my mentor's reading notes to learn the legendary experience of Wall Street stock master Jesse Livermore. For newcomers to the stock market, instead of randomly buying stocks, it's better to start learning by reading books about stocks. If you are interested in reading books, you can search the internet for Jesse Livermore's financial reading notes, and I believe you will also gain quite a bit.
    Is it time to do too much?
    Chuan Zhao liked and commented on
    $ProShares Ultra VIX Short-Term Futures ETF(UVXY.US)$
    $Occidental Petroleum(OXY.US)$ 
    With the intensification of tensions between Russia and Ukraine, US stocks are also affected by it. The major indexes did not extend the upward trend of the day before yesterday, and all fell back high today. The sign of the bull market is about to disappear, but is there really a bear market coming?
    UVXY is showing signs today that it is likely to break the key point of $22 in the previous period. Once UVXY breaks through this key point, it means that the upward space is open, and the market may really be about to go. Therefore, the rational operation strategy, personally think that now is not suitable to copy the bottom of the market. It is true that in the previous period of stock market decline, many stocks have fallen sharply and seem to be very cheap, but is this really the cheapest bargaining chip? Or will there be cheaper stock prices? Judging from the trend of UVXY today, it is the best strategy not to be greedy for bargains at this time, but to wait and see. It is not too late to enter the arena when the situation becomes a little clearer. Taking this opportunity, you might as well calm down and learn more about how the stock market operates. Follow my mentor's reading notes and continue to learn the classic trading case of Wall Street stock guru Jesse Livermore, one of the important things to learn is to wait.
    Will UVXY pop up?