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Dankpire Private ID: 70899433
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    Like I've stated in past post if amc is to moas it won't happen until next year, November and December are historically slow month for the market and crypto. It also won't hit over 1k Y'all goofies need to stop it. I can write a list of names that been procrastinating "moas Tom" "only a matter of time" guy since January to this day. The funniest one is "buy the dip" buying dip doesn't bring price up it keeps it stagnant. But what do I know cause the reality is that No one knows!!!
    Can't even make this up!!!
    People in the comment sections be like "$100 per share isn't enough I'll take 100k" obviously these people don't understand liquidity at about $1000 a share if everyone cashed out alot of Y'all won't be getting paid. Be careful how you play this game
    In order for this to be worth 100k it would need to grow to a 40 trillion dollar company currently apple is worth maybe 3-4 trillion currently AMC is worth 22 billion. Like I've said in past if this stock is to Moas it won't be anytime soon especially with the whales taking the holidays off usually drives the market down. Stop listening to these people and do what's right for you!!!
    Enter "shill" "paper hands" "OK hedgie" comment bellow.
    Watching people tear each other apart over a stock is telling of the social climate we are in. Not gonna front I come here for the asinine comments more than anything, it's filled with fud and over excitement. Good luck everyone...
    Shiba inu is ripping so much I really don't care about amc that much I personally do t think it'll go over 100 buts that my opinion. but with shib 1200 in March has now turned into a little over 100k.
    Can't argue those numbers and results
    If this doesn't moas in October it likely not to happen for a while maybe next year, reason for my theory is November marks 1 year from when price was 2.10 and people bought in large scale another big buying month was this January and February with capital gains being lowered for keeping stock for 366 days I see alot of people selling their positions. Especially with the climate of the economy and with the holidays around the corner. Just be careful how Y'all play this, as in November you may see a major downtrend which I believe will go under 20. This isn't a fear post nor am I employed at a hedge fund, I just think people last October stock was under 2.00 people are selling.
    Going down cause I bought more...
    What's up with all the "I'm waiting for the dip people" it's gone from 70 down to 40's 30's and even 20's back up to 30 and the same people get on and say "I'm waiting for the dip" if you like the stock you buy the stock, the difference between 1-5 dollars is miniscule when buying at 29-39.
    This is becoming comedy, up $300+ only to be up 30 then after close to be even, to watch it go down before 8pm and then hear from people come on here and say 100k Tom... 100k Friday wait till Thanksgiving. World War 3 looking like a greater possibility than this moas... I'm still holding cause fuk it
    Bank of America aka Bank of communism has been illegally shorting the stock. Just fucking hold the line!!!