$Fullerton SGD Cash Fund (SG9999005961.MF)$
how does this fund work if i want to purchase shares?
is it auto redeemed?
how does this fund work if i want to purchase shares?
is it auto redeemed?
try to limit exposure to high risk investments. that will allow you to focus on your other tasks like day job better.
also, try to avoid looking at the ticker hourly!
important is to be able to have good night sleep!
also, try to avoid looking at the ticker hourly!
important is to be able to have good night sleep!
previously before joining moomoo, I took passive approach to investment. however recently I realise that investment does require attention and my new year i plan to do the following:
1. rebalance my portfolio
2. move away from reits and focus on growth stocks
3. target 10% returns this year!
1. rebalance my portfolio
2. move away from reits and focus on growth stocks
3. target 10% returns this year!
sometimes trading on news can lead to unexpected outcomes due to following:
1. market is irrational
2. you are only a individual
3. trading is about timing
4. Long term vs short term
5. by the time news reach you, others in the know already taken the necessary steps
as such, go in with mentality that you may lose as easy as you may win.
1. market is irrational
2. you are only a individual
3. trading is about timing
4. Long term vs short term
5. by the time news reach you, others in the know already taken the necessary steps
as such, go in with mentality that you may lose as easy as you may win.
Metaverse to me is a rehash of old ideas.
second life?
world of warcraft?
been there, done that.
the difference now? lots of hot money from crypto and NFTs.
second life?
world of warcraft?
been there, done that.
the difference now? lots of hot money from crypto and NFTs.
there is this Chinese saying "比上不足, 比下有余"; this means that there will always be someone better than you. If you try to compare yourself with someone better than you, you might feel miserable and unhappy.
However, there is likely to be many who are "face-conscious" and false into the trap of lifestyle creep.
Thus it is important to invest with objective of being better than the "you" yesterday (and not the everyone else)!
However, there is likely to be many who are "face-conscious" and false into the trap of lifestyle creep.
Thus it is important to invest with objective of being better than the "you" yesterday (and not the everyone else)!
one common pitfall is trying to gain back what is lost immediately. so instead of keeping cool and calm, you may try to "double down" or even do an "all in". this is simarly to gambling and may be costly.
in gambling, you have to make decisions in the heat of the moment. you don't have much data to base your decision on.
however when investing, you have plenty of information from which you can study before deciding if you want to invest in the company!
however when investing, you have plenty of information from which you can study before deciding if you want to invest in the company!
davidsggg OP CᖇYᑌI᙭ : $Grab Holdings (GRAB.US)$ going no where and almost 10%… really?