Have been trying to learn how to short stocks through paper trading. Tried to do exactly what I have read or watched but had no luck. Maybe I am not doing it right or just not understanding it. Have been selling and picking short but when it goes up in price it shows positive returns but if it drops below the price I sold through short it shows negative returns. Any help on the subject would be greatly appreciated. PS not planning on shorting but want to understand ...
$Scorpius Holdings (SCPX.US)$ have a question. Bought the stock for a little less than 9 cents a share a while back. They did a 200-1 split and sent my average to almost $19. Then less than a month later they did an offering at $1 and now the price is below $1. How the hell is that legal and if it is, can someone loan me a $1 billion cause I can make us $10 billion by starting a company and do the same exact thing.
In shorts control
pay the mann
Wouldn't take this as trading advice cause who knows what the market will do from day to day but would use the paper trade to learn. Learn the different avenues in which to make the best informed decision. Life can be a gamble and this is no different. Happy hunting!!!