I've created a portfolio in these sectors.$C.R.E.A.M $$ y'all$Welcome to follow it!
Medical Biology:19%
Internet and Media:30%
Non-banks Finance:20%
Medical Biology:19%
Internet and Media:30%
Non-banks Finance:20%
Considering the current circumstances, as well as going forward, as far as tech stocks go it's time to stop buying the dips, and instead it's time to start selling the bounces. Just food for thought this morning.
The gains have only just begun with this stock. This company has a bright future ahead.

@Moomoo Lily @Moomoo Team @Popular on Moomoo
I think I have an idea for everyone. How about creating a Moomoo debit card that's connected to Futu stock. To use the card people would make deposits by buying shares of Futu stock. Then by selling fractional shares they could use their MooMoo card to make purchases or withdrawal cash. Not sure how this would work when the market is closed. I have a cryptocurrency account through Uphold which has a card that works this way, but crypto markets are always open. Just a thought that could attract customers, and boost Futu stock popularity. Card users could be investing and making gains (or losses), and it would also create revolving business for the stock because as people spend they would also be repurchasing shares to use on their card. Win/Win for everyone...
I think I have an idea for everyone. How about creating a Moomoo debit card that's connected to Futu stock. To use the card people would make deposits by buying shares of Futu stock. Then by selling fractional shares they could use their MooMoo card to make purchases or withdrawal cash. Not sure how this would work when the market is closed. I have a cryptocurrency account through Uphold which has a card that works this way, but crypto markets are always open. Just a thought that could attract customers, and boost Futu stock popularity. Card users could be investing and making gains (or losses), and it would also create revolving business for the stock because as people spend they would also be repurchasing shares to use on their card. Win/Win for everyone...
Columns Holdtards
You used to be able to get some pretty good stock recommendations on here from people who do their DD. Until last Thursday that is. Now you have to scroll for half an hour through 1000 retarded posts by retards telling and begging other retards to hold the same two stocks like all the rest of the retards. Retards have ruined MooMoo for the short term until 95% of those regards lose 95% of their money.
Just updated my holdings. I believe most of these are solid long-term growth investments to sit on for awhile. What y'all think? Are you holding any of these? Any opinions on them worth knowing about? What are y'all's favorite keepers, and must have stocks?