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I so desperately want to learn options I’m 52 and have less than 10k in my sad 401k account t and I don’t want to work forever…someone help lol
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Wrote this guide, hope it helps. I am not affiliated with moomoo. guide based on Android phone.
Go to the quotes page and select a stock e.g. MRNA. Then, swipe the top menu to the left ( see arrow) until you see 'Options'
Tap the options button. The options chain with all the strike prices appear. Expiry dates are right above the strike price header.
Select the expiry dates you want and then tap on any of the strike prices below, on either the call or put side, depending on what you want to trade
Tapping either side on the relevant strike prices brings you to the individual option's chart
Once there, tap the 'More' button on the bottom right hand corner
Once tapped, select 'Paper'
you will then be brought to the paper trading interface for that particular option. set your order type, quantity, and paper trade! :)
Hope this helps!
Go to the quotes page and select a stock e.g. MRNA. Then, swipe the top menu to the left ( see arrow) until you see 'Options'
Tap the options button. The options chain with all the strike prices appear. Expiry dates are right above the strike price header.
Select the expiry dates you want and then tap on any of the strike prices below, on either the call or put side, depending on what you want to trade
Tapping either side on the relevant strike prices brings you to the individual option's chart
Once there, tap the 'More' button on the bottom right hand corner
Once tapped, select 'Paper'
you will then be brought to the paper trading interface for that particular option. set your order type, quantity, and paper trade! :)
Hope this helps!
