Exponential Risk
Apparently your confused, let me explain. Comparisons can be made because the value of both are determined by the market. You can disagree, but I am free to compare them. Your personal feelings for public corporations aside, *in bad Canadian accent* I'm not your bro, pal.
Exponential Risk
Berkshire isn't sacred, I personally think its ridiculously overpriced. But I don't set its price, the market does. My post stated that the ceiling on stock prices isn't as low as many think, usually around Amazon's price. Brk.A is an example of how high you can go in price, not a statement that AMC is as valuable as Berkshire.
Exponential Risk
Yeah, still a far way up from 8. Let me know when you have something interesting to say other than the price, cause the fundamental reason I bought amc hasn't changed, steady at 19% reported SI. I will be out gambling on spy during earnings season with 3x leverage. Scared money don't make money.
Exponential Risk
"Losing Trade" bought in at 8, up to 40. Apparently math isn't your strong suit. If you daytraded you lost cash. And reasons for a trade aren't excuses, only people trying to push their faulty reasoning and trolling come up with garbage like that. I've seen your other posts, you'd say spy at 380 to 435 was a losing trade if it drops a percent in a day. And before you start, it did literally that this year.