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hakasefight Private ID: 181766287
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    Every year in June, Apple holds an event called WWDC to announce new products such as Macs and new iOS.
    It will be held from 6/6 to 6/10 in Japan time.
    So I've summarized what I'm personally concerned about.
    M3 chip
    The M2 chip is 1.4 times faster than the M1 chip, and it is said that it has an 18-hour battery by increasing power efficiency, but it seems that the performance will surpass the M2 Pro, which is even higher than that. It's like going from Super Saiyan 2 to Super Saiyan 3.
    It looks like it's going to end with minor changes. The control center has been enhanced, lyrics are displayed on the lock screen, and search power has been enhanced. What is interesting, however, is that Apple is paying attention to mental health care, and it seems that an Apple diary may come out. I'm already using an excellent diary app called Day One, and it costs 3800 yen per year. It's free, and I'm excited to think that high-quality apps unique to Apple will be offered.
    15 inch MacBook Air
    The current MacBook Air is 13 inches, and the notebook has a big screen...
    WWDC23 personal points of interest summary
    WWDC23 personal points of interest summary
    WWDC23 personal points of interest summary
    An ETF is an exchange-traded fund, and as the name suggests, it is listed on the stock exchange. ETFs are classified into “domestic ETFs” formed in Japan based on Japanese laws and “foreign ETFs” formed in foreign countries based on foreign laws and regulations. In this article, we will introduce different types of overseas ETFs.
    Overseas ETFs have a large number of stocks and plenty of options
    Foreign ETFs are divided into stocks listed on Japanese stock exchanges and stocks listed on overseas stock exchanges. Here, foreign ETFs listed on overseas stock exchanges are called “overseas ETFs.”
    Overseas ETFs have a large number of stocks, and there are plenty of options. It is characterized not only by the “index management type” linked to the index, but also by the fact that there are “active management type” ETFs where fund managers select stocks.
    At securities companies that handle overseas ETFs, transactions are possible by opening a foreign stock account. Overseas ETF transactions are carried out in foreign currency such as US dollars, but many securities companies have a service called “yen payment,” where ETF trading and exchange transactions are carried out simultaneously. If you use yen currency payment, you don't need to prepare dollars etc. in advance, and Japanese yen's...
    Pay attention to a variety of overseas ETFs and stocks not found in domestic ETFs
    TDSE $Exchange Listed Funds Trust Cabana Target Drawdown 16 Etf(TDSE.US)$ あたりはいいですね。来期の見通しを上方修正したのに叩き売られてしまいました。
    NASDAQ $NASDAQ(NASDAQ.US)$ やS&P500 $S&P 500 Index(.SPX.US)$ がトレンドラインを上にブレイクすれば、下のように底値を切り上げながら上昇していく可能性が高いです。
    ベガコーポレーション $Vega(3542.JP)$ も悪くないですね。ベガコーポレーションの業績はクソですが、空...

    オーエスジー(6136) $OSG(6136.JP)$
    アスクル(2678) $ASKUL(2678.JP)$
    1. 為替手数料の安い金融機関を選ぶ
    為替手数料(片道):10銭  0.069%
    為替手数料(片道):50銭  0.345%
    為替手数料(片道):1円   0.69%
    今から外貨預金を始める場合の注意点3つ 為替変動リスク別の収益シミュレーションも公開
    今から外貨預金を始める場合の注意点3つ 為替変動リスク別の収益シミュレーションも公開
    今から外貨預金を始める場合の注意点3つ 為替変動リスク別の収益シミュレーションも公開
    After graduating from university, we asked Mr. Hiroshi Endo, who worked for a venture company, started a business at age 26, and became a “billionaire” with small-cap stocks, questions from readers.
    1. About the minimum capital to aim for one billion people
    “What is the minimum amount required as initial capital to achieve over 100 million in investment?” Does that mean?
    If I were to answer the question on the assumption that it was a question with that kind of intention, it would be “1,000 yen.”
    If you have 1,000 yen, you can buy second-hand investment books.
    Reading investment books is also a self-investment.
    Also, if you actually start buying stocks, I don't think there's a problem with 100,000 yen, even in the sense that you get used to it at first.
    Considering the number of stocks that can be purchased, I would like about 300,000 yen, but there is no problem even if it's 100,000 yen at first.
    If you have funds to invest about 1 million yen, you can buy almost all stocks.
    In fact, if you had invested 100,000 yen when Amazon was just listed, it's now about 200 million yen, so it's not impossible to become a billionaire even if you start investing from 100,000 yen.
    2. Stock selection method, investment decision basis...
     週明け31日の東京株式市場の日経平均株価(225種) $Nikkei 225(.N225.JP)$ は大幅反発した。米IT大手アップルの決算内容などを好感して前週末の米国株が上昇した流れを引き継ぎ、半導体関連など幅広い銘柄で買い注文が膨らんだ。外国為替相場の円安ドル高進行も輸出関連銘柄を中心に上昇の支えとなった。
     終値は前週末比482円26銭高の2万7587円46銭。東証株価指数(TOPIX) $TOPIX(.TOPIX.JP)$ は30.38ポイント高の1929.43。出来高は約12億2850万株だった。
    最終更新:10/31(月) 15:24
    週明け31日の東京株式市場は買い注文が優勢となり、日経平均株価(225種) $Nikkei 225(.N225.JP)$ の終値は前週末比482円26銭高の2万7587円46銭と3日ぶりに値上がりした。前週末の米株式市場で主要株価指数がそろって上昇した流れを引き継いだ。
    東証株価指数(TOPIX) $TOPIX(.TOPIX.JP)$ は30・38ポイント高い1929・43。
    最終更新:10/31(月) 15:15
    Prime Minister Fumio Kishida announced at the government ruling party policy meeting held at the Prime Minister's Office on the morning of the 28th that the scale of the government's comprehensive economic measures was “fiscal expenditure of about 39.0 trillion yen, business scale of about 71.6 trillion yen.” It was officially stated that the second supplementary budget plan for fiscal 2022, which supports comprehensive economic measures, is 29.1 trillion yen in the general account.
    ▲ [Illustration] The scale of the bloated supplementary budget plan
     The prime minister stated, “Under the banner of a new capitalism, prices, response to depreciation of the yen, structural wage increases, and investment and reforms for growth are priority areas, overcoming current high prices and downside risks in the world economy, and revitalizing the Japanese economy by solving social issues and realizing sustainable growth.”
     A cabinet decision will be made on the afternoon of the 28th, and the Prime Minister will hold a press conference on the evening of the same day. The prime minister emphasized that “we will do our utmost to firmly deliver each included policy to the public and make them realize that they support their lives.”
    Author: Asahi Shimbun Digital
    Last Updated: 10/28 (Fri) 10:39
    Second supplementary budget plan 29.1 trillion yen, Prime Minister officially announces economic measures to be announced in the evening
    Major US securities companies set Hitachi Construction Machinery<6305>'s rating to neutral (Equal-Weight) on 10/26. Also, the target stock price is 3,500 yen. Incidentally, the rating consensus as of the previous day (10/25) was 3.33 (9 analysts) at a “neutral” level, and the target stock price consensus was 3,289 yen (9 analysts).
    [Brands often seen together]
    Komatsu Seisakusho $Komatsu(6301.JP)$ , FANUC $Fanuc(6954.JP)$ , THK $THK(6481.JP)$ , DMG Mori Seiki <6141>
    Author: IFIS Stock Forecast
    Last Updated: 10/27 (Thu) 16:06