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HuatEver Private ID: 102697747
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Moo Contributor
    It’s amazing how Santa delivered my best Christmas gift of the year early, in Q3 of 2024!
    China’s $Alibaba (BABA.US)$ surprised many by hitting an impressive high after a long stretch of poor performances. This moment was a powerful reminder that patience and a long-term investment mindset truly pay off. My long-term positions in $Futu Holdings Ltd (FUTU.US)$ yielded excellent returns too.
    Santa didn’t need a chimney this time, he found his way straight into my heart ♥️...
    Santa Came Early - This Time from China
    Every time I open my Moomoo app, I remember my ex-girlfriend. We had fun together, talked about stocks, and made money. She was really good at investing, and we did well together.
    I treasure this Lucky Moomoo figurine she gave me. It reminds me of the time we made a lot of money investing together. Even though we're not together anymore, her smart choice to use Moomoo stays with me.
    I believe in Moomoo’s future and am adopting my ex’s investing approach on this supportive trad...
    Lucky Moomoo Love
    One of the Big thing that has changed my perspective in life was my trip to Bali.
    It is at this less well known (in terms of luxury) island holiday resort that I have witnessed a peaceful aura and simplicity amongst the people residing there. They are humble, warm and compassionate.  Such characteristics are sadly missing in people staying in cosmopolitian cities like NewYork, Paris or Shanghai because these people are busy chasing their dreams of prestige, status snd wealth.
    It was an amaz...
    Fire the crackles to herald in a Year Of Joyful
       Fortune. 🔮
    Dance the Lion 💃 to Chase Away the
       Coronavirus. plight.
    Open the door to keep moving forward to
        face Adversity and to Welcome a Daring
        Adventuress Year in your investments’
    Finally Good Luck 😉.
        Ernest Hemingway says, “You Make Your
        Own Luck”.
    The biggest mistake I made was to paint a rosy picture of $Twitter (Delisted) (TWTR.US)$ stocks when it was reigning as 52 weeks high at $80.7. This euphoric bubble on $Twitter (Delisted) (TWTR.US)$ is finally burst and $Twitter (Delisted) (TWTR.US)$ stocks are now sinking miserably. Instead of crying in despair and allowing failure to embitter me, I accept my loss as a challenge to better prepare myself to master more amazing strategies for future investments. Life is tough but so am I. Henceforth, I identify...
    On that Thanksgiving weekend, I let my soul sing with joy because my life is filled with all the Good things that God has blessed me with as in:-
    A save Haven of a cosy Home. After all “Home is where your heart is”.
    A Healthy body and hence a Happy Life. My
    body is the Greatest gift that I ever receive. So I
    enjoy and cherish it, by doing simple daily activities such as outdoor exercising, meditative yoga or tai chi or even better still walking my dog.
    Most importantly, I am eternally grateful to God for keeping me safe and healthy in this crisis time of Covid 19, Delta Variant and now the Omicron Variant pandemic.
    In addition, I am hereby enclosing my utmost gratitude to all our dedicated medical/nursing personnel who have, and still are selflessly facing the “battlefield” to valiantly protect us from harm. A Thankful Salute to all our Compassionate Heros.
    Next in priority, is of course my dad who has passed on, but his Legacy remains. He taught me:-
    To be righteous throughout my life. To be able to stand up to my inner critic.
    To think Positive. He advised me to abandon the Bad and welcome the Good. To look for ways to wipe off all the negative vibes and make space to welcome new and good feelings, experiences and relationships.
    To stop seeking for perfection as it is an impossible goals. He reminded me to just do my Best and take Pride in all I do, and know that it is enough.
    Last but not least of all, my wish list includes my aunt who has stopped me just in time from being addicted to alcohol. I started drinking
    during collage days due to peer pressures.
    Initially, I drank because I wanted to experience new lifestyles without realising the danger of alcohol abuse and eventually disorder. Thankfully, my aunt was there to guide me back to the right path. She did not criticise or scold me but has encouraged me to stay sober. She sought help for me, by coaxing me to join the Alcoholic Anonymous help group. With her constant urging of “Nothing is Impossible” I was healed. My aunt is now suffering from Dementia but this does not deter me from my bi-weekly, as well as my full days’ visits with her on Thanksgiving Day. I am now also a volunteer mentor to help out in the Alcoholic Anonymous Group.
    Everyday, but especially on Thanksgiving day I am so thankful to Moomoo for this very special digital trading apps. With the FUTU/Moomoo platform I derive fun and comairdaire interacting with the Mooers while trading. I am Glad that this all in one trading platform has provided me with a modest financial income quite often.
    Laden with all my Blessings, it is also the time for me to spread the Joy to others who are less fortunate, by volunteering my time with the multiple charitable organisations. Who knows my smiles at the less fortunate strangers may just make their days. After all doing a good deed for others makes me feel good. Remember “Happiness never decreases by being shared”.
    $Apple (AAPL.US)$ 
    $Tesla (TSLA.US)$ 
    $NIO Inc (NIO.US)$ 
    $SIA 3.03% 240328XB (SQ1B.SG)$ 
    $Amazon (AMZN.US)$ 
    $Twitter (Delisted) (TWTR.US)$
    Finally claim my favourite moomoo figurine.Thanks @moomoo Rewards for Your moojesty
    Your moojesty
    $BABA-W (09988.HK)$ shares prices although still appear to be weak, they have the potential of a gradual growth.
    This year, two giants pharmaceutical companies,  $Merck & Co (MRK.US)$ and   $Pfizer (PFE.US)$ have announced their clinical findings on the use of antiviral pills for the treatment of Covid 19 and the Delta Varient. These antiviral pills are Molnupiravir, from $Merck & Co (MRK.US)$ and Paxlovid, from  $Pfizer (PFE.US)$. Based on the companies’ clinical trials, both these two drugs help to reduce the coronavirus ability to replicate and hence slow down the disease process. They hold the promise of cutting down the risk of severe Covid 19 ailments, hospitalisation stays and even deaths, and if being taken at the early onsets of infection.   $Pfizer (PFE.US)$ statistics showcases that Paxlovid can effectively treat 89% of the acutely hospitalised patients, which is a significant indicator for a good percentage of the patients’ recovery. Moreover, oral medications have greater convenience over the administration of intravenous medications.
    Therefore, will there be a breakthrough in the era of the antiviral pills and which pharmaceutical company will emerge as the winner? Irregardless, of which company to emerge as the game changer, the vital role is for the antiviral 💊 not only to work, but most importantly, to work Effectively, in order to save the lives of the countless Covid 19 victims worldwide.
    At this moment, their efficacies and side effects are not clearly defined yet. However, it will certainly open up a new chapter in the history of Healthcare if one of these two medications works, or even better still if both can prove their worth.
    Obviously, the price for a treatment course is just as important. Molnupiravir is priced at US $700 for a five days’ treatment cost.   $Pfizer (PFE.US)$ has not revealed the Paxlovid’s pricing yet, but it has promised the consumers of an affordable cost. Recently,  $Pfizer (PFE.US)$ shares prices have surged upwards, since CEO, Albert Bourla’s announcement of the favourable research findings. Moving forward, I can anticipate that   $Pfizer (PFE.US)$ shares will even be more bullish once US, FDA has approved of its use as an antiviral pill.
    $Moderna (MRNA.US)$ 
    $Novavax (NVAX.US)$ 
    $BioNTech (BNTX.US)$ 
    $Johnson & Johnson (JNJ.US)$ 
    $Merck & Co (MRK.US)$
    Locally, most of us are familiar with the “Hungry Ghosts” Festival, that takes place yearly on the Seven Lunar month. This is named the “Hungry Ghosts” month because all Chinese worldwide, traditionally believe that the gates of Hell are opened for a month. During this period the dead souls are released to stalk freely in the land of the living. Based on folklores, some of the evil spirits can return to the earth to seek revenge or induce harm if due respects are not bestowed to them. Thus, in order to appease the dead, the Chinese pray to the dead souls with lavish offerings of food, joss sticks, symbolic silver and gold paper ingots and “Hell $$$”. Coupled with these creepy beliefs, the Ghost Festival is obviously terrifying. The Chinese prefer not to speak ill of the dead, and if possible to avoid them, especially during the late evenings.
    In Japan, the Japanese celebrate “Obon” or “Festival of the Lantern” to honour their deceased ancestors yearly. It is an event that lasts for several days. They will hang lanterns outside their homes to guide their beloved ancestors’ spirits back to visit their homes.
    On the other hand, the Westerners mark their Halloween 👻 🎃 Eve annually, on 31st October with edibles, laughters and merry makings although they too, have regarded this night to be a night where the spooky dead are free to roam the earth. Truly speaking our counterparts from the European countries, seem to be braver as they opt to dress in scary costumes of monsters or devils to frighten away the evil 👿 🦹‍♂️ instead of placating to them.
    As we journey through Life, we ask ourselves whether is it better to adopt the supernatural beliefs of the East or to favour the Western concepts?
    I am a cynic, and I have never believed in the supernatural world until just recently, when I witnessed that sudden cryptic digital display of “666444” on the screen of my untouched smartphone at 1155 hours, on that Halloween Eve. Initially, I did not noticed that errie text, because I was busy monitoring the US stock market. Eventually, when I noticed that sinister text, I was so bewildered and alarmed that I halted all my trading activities immediately.
    Looking back at it now, I do not know whether it was just my wild imagination, that has pulled my legs or whether it was my Guardian Angel that has saved me me from a potentially heavy loss that night. Thank God for that creepy prompting which has saved me from a Horroudous 👻 🎃 this 2021.
    $AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$ 
    $Amazon (AMZN.US)$ 
    $Tesla (TSLA.US)$ 
    $Apple (AAPL.US)$
    $Disney (DIS.US)$ 
    $Netflix (NFLX.US)$