$Fullerton Fund - Fullerton SGD Liquidity Fund (SGXZ40088619.MF)$
First time see negative amount. Wow.
First time see negative amount. Wow.
happy birthday Singapore
Happy 59th Birthday Singapore! 🎉🎉🥳🥳
i also can, when I think I can!
Minimize the risks, invest into that right stock, earn that money!
Minimize the risks, invest into that right stock, earn that money!
A few not so good decisions made. Some losses here and there. Learning experiences, aren't they?
Continue to invest and doing dollar cost averaging.
Let's go, Year 2024!
#Set your goals, hit the road!
Continue to invest and doing dollar cost averaging.
Let's go, Year 2024!
#Set your goals, hit the road!
Lots of things happened in 2022.
Investing brought us new hopes.
Let's be better.
Investing brought us new hopes.
Let's be better.
HuatHuatManyCome OP kgbs : let's hope it's better today