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imasa2015 Male ID: 182905976
material engineer
    If it ends tomorrow, I'll feel relieved, and there will definitely be a big rise from Monday.
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    $NVIDIA (NVDA.US)$ On August 28th, Nvidia is scheduled to announce its earnings for the second quarter of fiscal year 2025 after the closing of the U.S. stock market (morning of August 29th Japan time).On August 28thAfter the closing of the U.S. stock market on August 28th (morning of August 29th Japan time)for the second quarter of fiscal year 2025In the semiconductor industry for artificial intelligence (AI), while maintaining a dominant positionCan they exceed market expectations and demonstrate impressive growth and performance?Please predict and vote on the closing price of Nvidia on the next business day after the earnings announcement!
    ● Distribute 10,000 points equally
    Until 10pm on August 29th (Japan time),Please predict the closing price of Nvidia on August 29th (5 a.m. Japan time on the 30th) and choose from the following price ranges.If the actual closing price matches the price range you voted for, points will be distributed equally to all users who voted for that price range (e.g. if 50 users hit the mark, each will receive 200 points!).
    【Special Challenge! Win a 500 yen Amazon gift card】
    Predict the closing price of Nvidia and have a chance to win additional bonuses!
    Until 10pm on August 29th (Japan time)Please predict the closing price on August 29thAccording to recent financial estimates, Nvidia is planning to announce its earnings for the second quarter of fiscal year 2025 after the closing of the U.S. stock market on August 28th (morning of August 29th Japan time). They have been maintaining a dominant position in the semiconductor industry for artificial intelligence (AI), and the market is expecting them to deliver impressive growth and strong performance.
    Get special benefits by predicting the closing price of nvidia after the financial results.
    Get special benefits by predicting the closing price of nvidia after the financial results.
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    What are the ETFs to watch in the US presidential election?! Analyzing the PCE preliminary report.
    Aug 30 07:00
    An important event that could be a turning point in the marketis getting closer every moment.NVIDIA financial results announcement on 8/28That's it.
    hitherto $NVIDIA (NVDA.US)$ has continued to produce results suitable for driving the AI market. Since financial results were announced, not only NVIDIA stocks, but also the SOX index and NASDAQ 100 index have strengthened their upward momentum. Will history repeat itself this time? The answer will be revealed on 8/28 (after closing).
    On the other hand, almost all financial results other than NVIDIA are available for SOX index constituent stocks. From the financial results of these companies,The benefits of the AI investment boom are spreading furtherThat was shown. This is because AI data centers cannot be built by NVIDIA alone, and many companies are involved, from IP licenses for memory and modules to semiconductor manufacturing, packaging and testing, power solutions, and data communication transceivers. When compared to when financial results were announced for the previous quarter, companies belonging to these fields,AI stocks that are likely to “surpass NVIDIA” have also surfacedI've done it.
    This time,Settlement of the SOX Index and its constituent stocks...
    Just before NVIDIA's financial results! Check out the 2 “Hidden AI” brands! Conqueror in the data center niche
    Just before NVIDIA's financial results! Check out the 2 “Hidden AI” brands! Conqueror in the data center niche
    Just before NVIDIA's financial results! Check out the 2 “Hidden AI” brands! Conqueror in the data center niche
    EU's additional tariffs on Chinese EVs, Tesla lowered to 9%
    August 20, 2024 at 8:22 PM GMT+9 (some excerpts)
    The European Union (EU) European Commission announced on the 20th that it has lowered the tax rate levied on US Tesla cars with regard to additional tariffs on electric vehicles (EVs) made in China. It was clarified that there is a possibility that lower tariffs will also be applied to some Chinese companies that have joint ventures with EU automobile manufacturers.
    The additional tariff on Tesla cars was set at 9%, and it was lowered from 20.8% shown in July.
    The view that Chinese EVs are benefiting from large-scale subsidies was not changed, and a final tariff of up to 36.3% was proposed. As of July, it was 37.6%. The additional tariff will be added to the EU's standard tariff of 10% on automobile imports.
    ☑️ Currently, US bonds held by the Fed, which amount to 95 billion dollars per month due to QT, have decreased, and the US government procures reimbursement funds by issuing US bonds, and since before, it was mainly using MMF funds managed in rerepositories to meet the supply needs of US bonds, but there is a risk that excessive supply will suddenly occur in the US bond market and upward pressure on interest rates will increase. Actually, this is the background behind recent stock prices, and in order for institutional investors such as banks, hedge funds, etc. that held MMF to hedge the risk of a sharp rise in interest rates due to concerns about the exhaustion of liberal repositories, Pow has received secret orders from the US government to increase cash on the market without relying on Fed mitigation and is accumulating profits by directing money into stocks now. As a result, the amount remaining in use of Liberapo has decreased, but MMF balances have increased to a record high of 6 trillion dollars or more since profits from stocks have been accumulated. This is a reserve for US bond purchase funds after the Liberal Repo is exhausted, and it offsets the pressure of rising interest rates. Next year, the Fed will continue QT, shrink its balance sheet, prepare for some kind of crash risk, and prepare the next excessive liquidity supply (QE). The US government also already owns this Fed...
    ⭐️ The main culprit behind the rise in stock prices this year is Cole Pau ❗️ Pow because libero deposits left over 1 trillion dollars were released to the market after being scattered too much due to the coronavirus ‼️ Pow claimed digestion of US bonds and the Federal Reserve in the summary of proceedings before construction, but it was released even more than that and boosted stock prices with stray bullets using expectations of interest rate cuts as material ‼️
    ⭐️ Looking back on this year ‼️ The real reason why stock prices have risen is Korepau ‼️
    What I'm paying attention to in the December FOMC agenda summary to be announced at 4:00 tomorrow is 2 points ❗️ The first one is the sense of temperature of the interest rate cut schedule, well, this won't change that much. The second point is to determine the stock price increase effect of stealth QE from the start date and acceptance policy of the Permanent Repo Facility (SRF), which is the Fed's new US dollar scattering rotary press ❗️
    ① Raise from China & Euro to Japanese stocks → decline in Euro EV cars, military purge due to China's worsening recession and political unease
    ② It has been decided that large purchases due to the establishment of a new Japanese stock fund by an overseas fund will be purchased until March